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Presentation on theme: "STRESS STRESS STRESS 1956 STRE$$ STRESS STRESS Stress Stress Stress"— Presentation transcript:

             Business Words 2 Business Stress Business Air Travel Transport Logistics Science Chemicals Medical 2 Children Water K12 Education Babies STRE$$ STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS Stress Stress Stress 1956 This page shows a small strip from each set of themed powerpoint backgrounds (CD5). So you can see the Quality (1:1 pixels). To close this window click here.close window Alternatively close this window by clicking the X located top right of this window.

2 Q: Do you feel stressed out on a daily basis?
74% of teens answer “YES!” 2% of teens answer “NO!” 20% answer “Not daily, but often.” 2% answer “I’m not sure.”

3 Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe
Psychiatrists that studied stress and found that changes in our lives are the biggest source of stress. CREATED SCALE: The following created the most stress: Loss of spouse Divorce Marital separation 4. Jail Term 5. Death of a close family member

4 Result 80% of those in the danger zone became depressed, had heart attacks, or suffered from diseases.

5 What is Stress? A normal biological response to a demand for adapting to a situation The “wear and tear” faced by our bodies as we adjust to our continually changing environment. STRESSORS- the things that cause you stress– the vacation, the death, work, etc. YOUR RESPONSE CAUSES STRESS

6 When Stress happens… The brain triggers a release of chemicals to prepare the body for a challenge. These chemicals cause your heart rate to speed up, your blood pressure to rise, and your metabolism to increase. Adrenaline is secreted affects heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration helps energize the body to deal with stress

7 continued All body functions that aren’t necessary for survival slow down. You become vulnerable to colds, stomach aches, headaches and infections, and insomnia

8 Types of Stress Positive- “good stress”
Takes a lot less of a toll on the body than bad stress ex. going out on a first date, winning a sporting event Negative- makes you feel tense, fatigued, and irritable ex. Reprimand, divorce

9 Sources of Stress Environment-weather, noise, traffic, pollution
Social Stresses-deadlines, financial problems, presentations, meetings Physiological Stress-adolescence, poor nutrition, illness, aging, accidents, lack of exercise, etc. Your Thoughts- your brain interprets and translates changes in your environment and determines when to turn on the emergency response

10 Stress Tolerance The amount of stress you can handle before your messengers begin to fail 1 in 10 have a low stress tolerance

11 Optimal Stress Diagram

12 Emotional Signs of Stress
Frustration Feelings of being overwhelmed No sense of humor Easily angered Nightmares Depression Lack of confidence

13 Physical Signs of Stress
Anxiety Tension Headaches Fatigue Irritability Insomnia

14 Behavioral Signs of Stress
Eating more, not enough Frequent crying Putting off work Sleeping more or less Spending more time alone

15 Intellectual affects of Stress
Inability to concentrate Difficulty making decisions Lacking creativity

16 Unhealthy Ways to Deal with Stress
Boosters Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, solvents, drugs, and tobacco Letting things pile up Procrastinating Apologizing even though you are right Acting as if nothing has happened

17 Ways to Lower Stress Physical activity Get away from the stressor
Define sleeping habits and stick to them Say “NO” Deep breathing Planning and prioritizing Stress relieving diet

18 Stress Relieving Diet Complex carbohydrates Foods high in protein
Fruits and vegetables Eat in moderation


20 STRESS QUIZ Please answer T or F
Having a job creates stress. When stressed, changes in the body occur. Adrenaline helps you deal with stress. All stress is bad. 5. Being stressed has no impact on the immune system. 6. Some causes of acne are caused by stress. 7. Certain foods can help you deal with stress.

21 Journal How do you feel when you are stressed?
Do you handle stress well? Why or why not? What can you do to help lower your stress level?

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