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How To Run a Successful Skinny Contest In Your Clinic

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Presentation on theme: "How To Run a Successful Skinny Contest In Your Clinic"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Run a Successful Skinny Contest In Your Clinic
With Nanette Pututau Club Reduce Support

2 What Is The Skinny Contest?
It is a monthly weight loss contest between your current weight loss patients that come into your clinic. You can go off of most weight loss, most body fat % lost, most inch loss, most muscle gain or whatever you think your patients would be motivated by the most. At the end of the month the patient that wins gets either free product, free treatments or whatever you would like to offer in your clinic.

3 Why Implement The Skinny Contest?
Motivates your patients to stay on their program. Great way to sign new patients up on a program. When patients win they tell their friends and refer them in. After they win and do the treatment or get free product they are more likely to do a maintenance program. Your patients that win also help motivate new patients. Write good reviews for you on social media.

4 How To Implement… Everything you need is on Club Reduce.
On Club Reduce 4.0 go to the Marketing Tab – Select All – Then find the “Skinny Contest” icon to print out flyers. Print out the correct month and place flyers throughout your office Front Desk Bathrooms Reception Area Treatment Rooms Coaching Office The coaching office will be the most beneficial because that is where you have your weekly evaluation with your patients and you can encourage them to enter the contest!

5 Here is an example of an acrylic stand with our August 2015 Skinny Contest and right next to it are the entry forms. This is on a coaching desk but again you can place this anywhere in your clinic.

6 Keeping Track Of Entry Forms
It is best to keep all of your patients entry forms in a folder or drawer so that at the end of the month you will have all of the entry forms together of the patients who signed up for the contest. On the entry form you want to make sure you get their starting weight or body fat % and their ending weight or body fat % so you can compare to see who lost the most. If you keep patient information in charts the coach or manager will have to go through each chart at the end of the month to write down their final weight to determine the Skinny Contest Winner.

7 Talk To Everyone About It!
All staff should talk to your patients about the Skinny Contest. Doctor Front Desk Technician Coach The most important position to talk to the patients about this would be the accountability coach. The coach meets with them every week one- on-one and can encourage each patient to enter in the contest so that they stay motivated and have a monthly goal. As a coach it is your responsibility to help your patients reach their goal. They will struggle. Having this to motivate them will help a lot. This is an easy thing to get your patients involved in because your patients will get FREE treatments or FREE product! Who doesn’t want that?!

8 Be Excited For Your Winner!
Make sure to make a big deal about your patient winning the monthly Skinny Contest. Your patients work hard and it is always really nice to get noticed for hard work. Take pictures of them every month and put them up in your office for other patients to see. Another option is you can take pictures and print them off and put it in a binder for other patients to read in the reception area. Have them write a little testimonial either on paper for the binder you create, your Facebook page, yelp, or any other kind of social media you have. The reason they won is because they either lost a lot of weight, inches or body fat and they are proud of it and would love to share it with others!

9 The Certificate Don’t forget to give them their certificate! You can print it out from Club Reduce. Write in their name and service or product that they get on their certificate. You could even take a picture of them with their certificate and put it up in your office. When other patients see how successful your patients are from doing your programs, it will motivate them to purchase a program in your office.

10 Start Implementing TODAY
Print off this month’s Skinny Contest flyer on Club Reduce. Print off the Entry Forms. Get as many acrylic stands as you want to set up around your office. Start talking to you weight loss patients about the Skinny Contest and sign them up. At the end of the month gather all of your Entry Forms. After determining the winner print out their certificate on Club Reduce. Take a picture of your winner, and get a testimonial from your patient. It is that easy! The Skinny Contest is such an easy tool to implement in your office and it will help your patients stick to their program!

11 Where It Is On Club Reduce 4.0?

12 Any Questions??? 801-590-0880
Please call me at the Club Reduce Support line or me with any questions!

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