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English 11 – Period 7 – Wed, May 31, 2017

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1 English 11 – Period 7 – Wed, May 31, 2017
OVERDUE (due Sat 5/27-midnight): Outline - focus on Thesis/Body Px. Vocab List 4 #11-20: QUIZ TODAY (part 2 – see slide) Activity #3 – turn in for an optional grade Transcendentalism Unit/Short Stories: “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Work on if time – finish for HW: Reading Quiz & chart-“Plot a Day in the Life” Modern Day Issue Research Essay: Add additional sources if needed Begin rough draft GOAL- Intro + Body #1-2 ROUGH DRAFT DUE in class on Thurs, June 1st NEXT CLASS: Approx. 60 min. to finish rough draft in next class Last 30 min - peer edit Put in approx. ONE HOUR of work on rough draft OUTSIDE of class before Fri!

2 Directions for Vocab Quiz Part 2
Write a short paragraph using FOUR vocab words from List 4 # AND this story starter and ender: START WITH: When I woke up today, I did not realize it was going to be such an (awesome / awful) day… END WITH: This ended up being the type of day (adventure / horror) stories are based on.

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