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Weather Forecasting and Solar Energy Glenn E. Van Knowe Ph. D. P.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Forecasting and Solar Energy Glenn E. Van Knowe Ph. D. P."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Forecasting and Solar Energy Glenn E. Van Knowe Ph. D. P

2 Introduction Description of Facilities Introductions & Go Over Course
Location of restrooms etc. Introductions & Go Over Course Hand outs/PPTs Online at: Mon AM Session 10:30 -11:45 AM Lunch 11:45 – 12:30 PM Mon PM Session 12:30 – 4:00 PM Wed AM Session 10:30 -11:45 PM Lunch 11:45 – 12:30 PM Wed PM Session 12:30 – 3:00 PM

3 Unique Projects Involving Physical Science and Meteorology
Glenn E. Van Knowe Ph. D. P

4 Sonification Projects
Meteorology: Solar:

5 Bob


7 Presidents Day Storm Feb 1979

8 Presidents Day Storm Feb 1979





13 History of Weather Forecasting
Glenn E. Van Knowe Ph. D. P

14 The Science of Meteorology
The study of the atmosphere and it's phenomena.


16 Forecasting Methods In the Past … Weather Proverbs
“Red sky in the morning, sailors’ take warning; red sky at night, sailors’ delight” Folklore Woolly Caterpillars, Ground Hog Rules-of-Thumb Wind at your back, low pressure to your left Today … Forecasts based on observations and sophisticated numerical weather models Climatological Rules of Thumb Analog Conceptual Models Computer Model Output

17 Ref

18 What do butterflies have to do with weather?

19 Periods in Weather History “Ancient Times”
Ancient Times - Before 400 BC - Mid 1400’s Folklore and proverbs - Still With us Today -many wrong ideas Philosophy - eventually a sub discipline became the Science of Meteorology First discussed as a science by Aristotle, 340 B.C. wrote a book entitled Meteorologica - summarized meteorological knowledge to that date

20 Periods in Weather History Almanac Era
Almanac Era ’s-1850 17th-18th centuries - meteorology came into being with the advent of instrumentation such as thermometers and barometers thermometer and barometer by Torricelli- 1643 Development of Weather Records Around world Because of sea travel Compiled Weather Records in Usable format - Ben Franklin

21 Periods in Weather History
Empirical Era Improved Communications (Telegraph, telephone) 19th century - observations were being made routinely - transmitted by the telegraph National and International Weather Organizations and Services Formed net work of observing sites Insitu measurements Specialized Weather Reporting University of Wisconsin started broadcasting daily weather forecasts to farmers Weather Bureau reports, forecasts and warnings transmitted by 140 radio stations in 39 states Conceptual Framework of Moving “fronts” and “storms” (Weather Engineering) 1920's - Concept of airmasses and fronts was formulated in by Norwegian meteorologists Theory for the evolution of mid-latitude cyclones - still used today Theoretical framework based upon Laws of Physics (Modern Science of Meteorology)

22 Periods in Weather History Cont’d
Modern Era Current 1940’s Regular Upper Air Measurement Begins Rawinsonde Remote Sensing Begins - Radar, Hurricane and Satellite 1940’s after WWII - Meteorological Radars were implemented Hurricane “Hunter” Aircraft 1960's - first meteorological satellites were launched (Tiros I ) Satellite Look at wx school and do experiments 1950's - first atmospheric computer models led to: Improved Conceptual Models Operational Weather Prediction Models 1990's - National Weather Service modernized Radar, Satellite. Wind profiler, ASOS, Models


24 Hurricane Flight - Pilot

25 1990's - National Weather Service modernized
Radar Satellite Wind profiler Automated Surface Observing Stations (ASOS) Advanced Computer Models


27 Types of Radars Conventional and Doppler Radar
What is a conventional radar? What is a Doppler radar? How often do you really see doppler radar on T.V.? What is NEXRAD?




31 Conventional Radar

32 Doppler Radar


34 Radar Short Comings Listening Time Problem Beam Spreading Problem
2 micro sec (10-6 sec) x 186,000 mi/sec Beam Spreading Problem Attenuation Problem Caused by the earth Sample


36 Types of Satellites GOES Polar Why only two types?
What do we see on TV?






42 Satellite Short Comings
Resolution Attenuation and contamination Curvature of the earth (limb viewing) Sample

43 Wind Profiler



46 Wind Profilers’ Short Comings
Listening Time Still a problem Attenuation Curvature of the earth

47 Automated Surface Observing Stations (AMOS)

48 Data Assimilation

MODEL CONSIDERATIONS Free Atmosphere -Surface Energy-Radiation-PBL-Hydrology ATMOSPHERIC DATA INPUT Gridded Data for Initial and LBCs, Observed via Data Assimilation PBL Terrain Veg & LU Hydrology Radiation SURFACE DATA INPUT DEEP SOIL MOISTURE/TEMP

50 Establish Model grid – means assimilate all the data and write out a dynamically initial stat. So this part represents the databases, and preprocessing.

51 2.5° x 2.5° NCEP Reanalysis Gridded Data
Regional Models Nested runs from large to small scale 2.5° x 2.5° NCEP Reanalysis Gridded Data

52 Importance of Terrain and Sea Databases

53 Advanced Computer Models
Advanced Models

54 . C C ************************* C * Initialize profiles. *
DO 20 K=1,NZ PT2TH (K) = ( / P(K))**KAPP PTH2T (K) = ( P(K)/ )**KAPP THA (K) = T(K) * PT2TH(K) THAD(K) = THA(K) QLI = 0.0 DO N = 1, NQ QLI = QLI + QC(K,N) QCA(K,N) = QC(K,N) ENDDO

55 Questions Who discovered that weather systems moved?
What are the ways we measure the weather? Tell which ones are remote and which ones are insitu? How does a satellite work? What is the difference between a conventional and Doppler radar display?

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