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Our Classroom Economy Mrs. Ezell’s Classes.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Classroom Economy Mrs. Ezell’s Classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Classroom Economy Mrs. Ezell’s Classes

2 Why A Classroom Economy?
Learn how to manage money responsibly Make classroom $$ Spend classroom $$

3 How to earn $$? Salary from classroom job
Bonus $$ (we will discuss this more in depth later) Create your own business

4 How to spend $$ Rent for desk $1000 / mo
**buy your desk for $4000 and never pay rent again** Buying items in our monthly auction Paying fines for not following classroom expectations (which we will discuss later)

5 Class Jobs You’ll apply for 3 (may not get top choice)
Some require a recommendation.

6 Entrepreneurs You’ll have the opportunity to start your own business as well where you can sell goods and services to be paid for with class dollars Example businesses include: Provide help learning a musical instrument, Creating origami, tutoring another student, helping someone learn an instrument, teaching a foreign language, teaching art classes... To start your business, you must: fill out a business license application online have clear goals conform to school standards realistic pricing


8 APPLY! Go to our class website Click on the ‘Economy’ tab
You will find links to the job description, the job application form, and the business application form

9 Job Announcements I will be contacting you in about a week with your job offer :)

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