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Day 7 - Writing Functions as Expressions

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1 Day 7 - Writing Functions as Expressions

2 1. Get a number of pieces of candies. Get five friends
1. Get a number of pieces of candies. Get five friends. Give two to the first friend, two to the second friend, two to the third friend, two to the fourth friend and two to the fifth friend. (i). Write a sequence of numbers showing the number of pieces of candies given out to the first up to the last friend. 2,2,2,2,2

3 (ii). Find the total number of pieces of candies given away after the first, second and third friends Candies given out after the first friend = 2×1=2 Candies given out after the second friend = 2×2=4 Candies given out after the second friend = 2×3=6

4 (iii). Find the total number of candies that are given out after the 𝑝𝑡ℎ friend. Candies given out after the 𝑝𝑡ℎ friend = 2×𝑝=2𝑝

5 (iv). Write an expression showing the pieces of candies given out after the 𝑝𝑡ℎ friend. 2𝑝

6 (v). If 𝑓(𝑝) represents number of pieces of candies given out after 𝑝 friends, write the function 𝑓(𝑝) in full. 𝑓 𝑝 =2𝑝

7 2. A Mathematics teacher would like to use the concept of footsteps to measure the distance from the flag post to the class. He selects a student who is a member of scouting club because his footsteps are almost of uniform length. The teacher establishes that the distance from the flag post to the class is 24 footsteps. Each footstep is 27 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠. The teacher notices the student 54 inches away from the flag post moving towards the class.

8 (i). Find the increase in distance after each footstep. 27 inches

9 (ii). Find the total distance travelled after 2 footsteps, 5 footsteps, 6 footsteps and 𝑡 footsteps.

10 (iii). Write a function showing the distance remaining between the student and the class after 𝑡 footsteps 𝑓 𝑡 =594−27𝑡

11 The Adele is coming to Grand Rapids and you are trying to buy tickets for yourself and 4 friends from Tickets R Us. How much will it cost? Number of Tickets Price 1 $45 2 $75 3 $105 4 $135 Write the function recursively. Rewrite as an algebraic equation.

12 Vocabulary: function domain range variable expression equation
algebraic expression This can be done in the notebooks or on vocabulary cards. Whatever system you use 

13 Partner Practice Write each verbal expression as an algebraic expression eight less than a number two less than five times a number one-half the product of x and y three times the sum of a and b the sum of 3 times a and b

14 Answers 𝑛−8 5𝑛−2 1 2 𝑥𝑦 3 𝑎+𝑏 3𝑎+𝑏

15 Complete this sentence:
Exit Slip Complete this sentence: When writing verbal expressions as algebraic expressions the most difficult thing is to…

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