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Inputs,Outputs,Outcomes and Impact

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1 Inputs,Outputs,Outcomes and Impact

2 Understanding the difference between outputs and outcomes is important.
Outputs relate to "what we do." Outcomes refer to "what difference is there.“ What matters most is the outcome (how well the young bird learns to fly), even though it might be easier to focus attention on an output (how many worms it feeds on) because that’s easier to measure. “Not how many worms the bird feeds its young, but how well the fledgling flies.” – United Way of America, 1999 Ask group? Then click slides

3 Get Pills Take Pills Feel better Headache Situation Inputs Outputs Outcomes

4 Over to you… ? Hungry Situation Inputs Outputs Outcomes

5 Impact! A marked effect or influence.
To have a strong effect on someone or something. The social, economic, civic and/or environmental consequences of the program. Impacts tend to be longer-term and so may be equated with goals. Impacts may be positive, negative, and/or neutral: intended or unintended. The “so what” factor. Exercise – in groups look at what your service is currently focusing or working on, is it outcome or output based? Last slide

6 Thinks of the “why” golden circle from the video – from need look at outcomes and work backwards. What will make the skittles fall.

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