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Presentation on theme: "EXPLORING POSSIBLE CAREERS"— Presentation transcript:

CAREER DAY Self-Knowledge (Sophomore Year) Lesson Ten Adviser: Share your career choices and reaching those.

2 WHY? (Really – you have to ask )
Why do you think? May change your mind – look into several options! College students change their major 5-7 times. Even if you have a career in mind it will reassure you or give you some other career options to think about.

3 What Careers are you considering?
Hand out Career Day options of careers. What if a career is not on the list that you want to explore? (is one of the careers similar?) Select ___ Careers to observe. (Why it is important that YOU select the careers for YOU) Hand out Career worksheets (turn in for grade) Go over and discuss the worksheet.

4 Would you rather… with careers
(A) Work at a job that you love that pays enough for you to get by? Or B) Work at a job you don't exactly like but pays extremely well?

5 (A) Care for animals in a zoo or (B) Draw cartoons
Would you rather… (A) Mow lawns and sport fields or (B) Type letters and reports (A) Care for animals in a zoo or (B) Draw cartoons (A) a successful marriage or (B) a successful career?

6 WOULD YOU RATHER…. CAN YOU THINK OF SOME CONCERNING CAREERS? “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved” William Jennings Bryan MORE GREAT QUOTES (Video – 4:09)

7 Make a comparison chart of the careers.
YOU will need to do ONE of the following for YOUR e-portfolio: Use pictures to describe what you learned about the careers and write why you are interested in them. Make a comparison chart of the careers. Research one of the careers and make a time line of the education/classes needed to be qualified. (high school – college/vo-tech /application etc.) Research colleges that have quality programs in your career choice. Make a comparison chart of the colleges programs and costs.


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