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Creating Open-Ended Questions ERPD October 31, 2012

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1 Creating Open-Ended Questions ERPD October 31, 2012
Three Schools One Mission

2 Learning Target Criteria for Success
I can create an open-ended item and rubric for my content area. I will work with others in my department to decide the topic for an open-ended question. I will create a question that my students will be challenged by. I will create a rubric (0,1, & 2) from which I can score the open-ended question.

3 Purpose Essential standards/Common Core ask students to explain their thought processes instead of simply providing a correct response. We need to make sure students understand and can explain their understanding of concepts.

4 Suggestions for getting started
It may consist of taking an existing question and turning it into an open-ended item. Utilize Blooms’ verbs to ensure rigor in your questions. Sample tasks for most subjects:

5 Why is this important? Integration of the writing anchor standards
See how students are doing with the transition to the new standards and shifts in thinking All contents are equal – holistic learning opportunities

6 Scoring Rubric Criteria
ACE Rubric Points Scoring Rubric Criteria 2 Response provides a complete explanation of _____. Response includes relevant details from the text. 1 Response provides a partial explanation of ___. Response includes limited details from the text. Response is incorrect or irrelevant

7 Keep in mind for scoring of the rubric…
Points Scoring Rubric Criteria 2 Correct answer; shows evidence of conceptual and procedural understanding. 1 Incorrect answer but shows conceptual understanding. Correct answer but shows procedural understanding only; no evidence of procedural understanding. Incorrect answer; shows little or no understanding.

8 Next Steps (application time)
Work within your departments and grade levels to decide on a topic and reading selection for your open-ended question. Once topic is decided, refine a question that is open-ended (utilize Blooms’ action words) After question has been decided, refine wording of a rubric for your question. One per department per grade level Save question & rubric in multiple places. your question & rubric to the teachers in your department while CCing the Coordinator once it is complete.

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