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Pose Consider the following sentences and cartoons to determine the meaning(s) of the word “pose”.

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Presentation on theme: "Pose Consider the following sentences and cartoons to determine the meaning(s) of the word “pose”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pose Consider the following sentences and cartoons to determine the meaning(s) of the word “pose”.

2 Walter tried to hold the pose so the artist could finish his drawing, but it was a little difficult in mid-air.

3 Bob was hoping that a begging pose might enhance his chances of getting a raise.

4 Is this picture posed or unposed?

5 The poorly painted track lanes posed a major problem for Bob.

6 Losing their engine posed a real challenge for Bob and his wife as they were trying to escape the zombies.

7 Trying to determine who was first, the chicken or the egg posed a dilemma for the doctor in the waiting room.

8 The fraud department was supposedly investigating Bob’s claim that someone had cheated him, but he was concerned that the people in the fraud office itself were posing as someone they were not. *fraud—deceipt, tricking someone

9 In order to be considered dangerous, a building must pose a threat of causing harm to a person.
When the woman posed for the painting, she had to hold her position for a long time. Gary was posing as a musician even though he had never played an instrument. Before the audience could answer, the speaker had to pose his question.

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