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Pose estimation methods

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Presentation on theme: "Pose estimation methods"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pose estimation methods
By KH Wong Pose estimation methods 7a

2 Pose estimation methods 7a
Overview Introduction Problem definition Linear techniques Iterative techniques Comparisons Implementation issues Conclusion Pose estimation methods 7a

3 Pose estimation methods 7a
Introduction What is Pose estimation? What is pose estimation used for? Pose estimation methods 7a

4 Pose estimation methods 7a
Problem definition What is pose? Pose estimation methods 7a

5 Pose estimation techniques
POSIT Epnp (solve pnp in opencv) P3P P4P P7P Linear methods Power4 methods Pose estimation methods 7a

6 Pose estimation methods 7a
POSIT Pose estimation methods 7a

7 Pose estimation methods 7a
POSIT Pose estimation methods 7a

8 Pose estimation methods 7a
POSIT Algorithm Pose estimation methods 7a

9 Pose estimation methods 7a
POSIT Because the camera model is SOP scaled orthographic, it is an approximated camera POSIT is based on POS but add a few iteration to improve the result. Pose estimation methods 7a

10 Pose estimation methods 7a
EPnP EPnP Barycentric coordinate system [1] Vincent Lepetit · Francesc Moreno-Noguer · Pascal Fua, "EPnP: An Accurate O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem", International Journal of Computer Vision , February 2009 Pose estimation methods 7a

11 Pose estimation methods 7a
References POSIT: POSE estimation Daniel F. Dementhon,Larry S. Davis, “Model Based Object Pose in 25 Lines of Code ”, International Journal of Computer Vision June 1995, Volume 15, Issue 1–2, pp 123–141  the original paper  Sebastian Grembowietz , “3D Pose Estimation” tutorial on pose estimation methods: 3pt , p4+p, POSIT, linear method, perspective p7p, Thomas Petersen , “A comparison of 2D-3D Pose Estimation Methods” Aalborg University report on POS, POSIT Daniel Grest,Thomas Petersen,Volker Krüger, “A Comparison of Iterative 2D-3D Pose Estimation Methods for Real-Time Applications”, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2009: Image Analysis pp Tutorial ppt Sebastian Grembowietz, “Algorithms for Augmented Reality 3D Pose Estimation”, 2004 nov 19, Epnp Vincent Lepetit · Francesc Moreno-Noguer · Pascal Fua, "EPnP: An Accurate O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem", International Journal of Computer Vision , February Khwong Code matlab , c++ etc) Pose estimation methods 7a

12 Pose estimation methods 7a
appendix Pose estimation methods 7a

13 Pose estimation methods 7a
Ref :Thomas Petersen , “A comparison of 2D-3D Pose Estimation Methods” Aalborg University report on POS, POSIT POS,POSIT (alternative formulation) A simplified model , focal length =f, ox=oy=0 Kint= intrinsic parameters, Kext=extrinsic parameters, projection=Kint*kext Pose estimation methods 7a

14 Pose estimation methods 7a
POS Algo Pose estimation methods 7a

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