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French and Indian War Unit 2.

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1 French and Indian War Unit 2

2 French and Indian War Objective:
Page 35 French and Indian War Objective: Explain how debt tends to corrupt individuals and nations. Paste below objective Motivations 1. Why did France and Britain fight in the war? 2. Why did the British colonies fight? 3. Why did Native Americans fight? Winners and Losers 4. What did Britain gain as a result of the war? 5. What did Britain lose? 6. What did the colonies gain as a results of the war? 7. What did the colonies lose? 8. What did France lose as a result of the war? 9. What did the war cost Native Americans? Draw below tables

3 French and Indian War - Motivations
Ohio Valley Both France and Britain claimed they had a right to the Ohio River Valley Why France and Britain went to war Both sides wanted access to the Ohio and Mississippi River shipping lanes Why the British colonies fought For their best interest – trade (switch to the winning side) Why the Native Americans fought

4 French and Indian War - Timeline
Washington entrenches at Fort Necessity French admit defeat Both sides claim Ohio Valley Scouting party kills French commander French refuse to leave Washington surrenders French cede land to Spain 1754 1762 1763 Dinwiddie’s letter Washington returns to Dinwiddie Washington sent to attack French Treaty of Paris ratified French enjoy early successes Battle of Quebec Indians change allegiance Both sides claim right to the Ohio River Valley – Why? Virginia governor Dinwiddie sent George Washington to the Ohio Valley with a letter telling the French to leave. The French refuse to leave the region. Washington return to Governor Dinwiddie with the news. Dinwiddie sends Washington back with permission to attack the French. Washington entrenches at a half-built Fort Necessity. A scouting party attacks a French party and kills the commander – War Begins The French lay siege to Fort Necessity and eventually force Washington to surrender and withdraw The French win most of the early battle of the war So the Indians seeking to benefit themselves ally with the French Battle of Quebec – turning point of the war, the British win because they have superior weapons, specifically canons Indians, not wanting to be on the side of the losers, switch their allegiance French finally admit defeat France cedes some of its land in North America to the Spanish so that Britain can’t settle further west Official Treaty signed – fill in winners and losers chart Indians ally with French

5 French and Indian War – Winners/Losers
British Gains Canada Gains all land east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans Debt – want the colonists to help pay because the war had been fought to help secure colonial borders Loses money – go into a lot of debt British soldiers scorn the colonial troops – lost of trust

6 French and Indian War – Winners/Losers
Colonies Experience with organized military action Albany Plan of Union – desire for unity Proclamation of 1763 – creates a border between the colonists and Indians British soldiers scorn the colonial troops – lost of trust

7 French and Indian War – Winners/Losers
Lost land east of the Mississippi Lost Canada Land to Spain to ensure that the British can not settle further west and must stay east of the Mississippi River. Ceded land to Spain

8 French and Indian War – Winners/Losers
Indians Lost their best trading partner Were subject to British efforts of westward emigration

9 French and Indian War Outline the land ceded from France to Great Britain at the end of the French and Indian War Outline the settled colonies at the beginning of the French and Indian War Highlight the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers Color the Ohio Valley Draw in Fort Necessity Color Canada Draw in Quebec Draw in the Proclamation of 1763 Outline land ceded to Spain in the 1762 treaty Drawn in New Orleans Color South Carolina

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