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Principles and Values of PCC

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1 Principles and Values of PCC
Every person has strengths, gifts, and contributions to offer and has the right to participate in some way to the community. Every person has hopes, dreams and desires. Each person, and those who love the person, are the primary ‘authorities’ on his or her life. Every person has the ability to express preferences and to make choices. We will always take account of a person’s choices and preferences. Everyone talks about person-centred care. It is the ‘soul’ of dignified care because if we are really person centred we respect the person as an equal member of society and listen rather than talk – and support people to be in control of as much of their life as they are able or willing to be. We recognise that the ‘experts’ on the individual are themselves and the people closest to them not us

2 Principles & Values of PCC
Natural supports can help improve the person’s quality of life by: Maximising independence Creating community connections Working toward achieving the person’s dreams & goals Person-centred care is a continuing process of: Listening Trying things Seeing how they work Changing things as necessary

3 When do you stop having pride, hopes, dreams & desires?
At age 60, 70, 80? After a serious illness? When memory problems start? When you need help with every day living activities? You don’t

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