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Cyber Security Challenges

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Security Challenges"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Security Challenges
Dr. Aviel D. Rubin Johns Hopkins University

2 Anecdote A tour of the radiology department at UPenn

3 We are dependent on software & computer networks
Banking Stock market mishap 2 weeks ago (what would an intentional attack accomplish?) Critical Infrastructure Power, water, electric grid E-commerce Healthcare Within an enterprise HR functions Customer lists Secret business plans E-voting

4 Example: Healthcare Government is forcing move to electronic records
Doctors who don’t comply will be penalized Standards are being developed to link providers in healthcare information exchanges Hospitals are increasing their automation Devices are being networked together Increasing reliance on software and networks for healthcare & healthcare information

5 Example: E-voting In 2004, 37 states used paperless e-voting
Security vulnerabilities were shown Dramatic decrease in reliance on e-voting However, in 2010, many states will allow Internet voting from overseas Risks…

6 Vulnerabilities Software We don’t know how to avoid bugs
Botnets & Malware, viruses, worms Usability of security/Human factors Authentication State of the art is mostly still passwords Tokens are catching on – but not user friendly

7 Case in point: Botnets Mariposa botnet What did it do?
In 1 ½ months: over 11 million unique IP addresses of compromised hosts What did it do? Information theft: stole usernames/pws, banking details Downloaded malware for DOS attacks Found in computers at More than ½ of Fortune 1,000 companies More than 40 major banks Spreads via: IM programs, USB keys, P2P networks, IE6 exploits, many other ways… Not detected by many Anti-Virus products Signature evolves

8 Mariposa Population 24 hours of sinkhole data, by origin country
Source: Arbor Networks

9 Global DDoS Traffic DDoS victims, measured traffic
Source: Arbor Networks

10 More threats Cross site request forgery Cross site scripting
DNS spoofing BGP Possibly single greatest vulnerability on the Internet

11 Side note Very unusual 3 suspects arrested for use of Mariposa
Not the authors, just unsophisticated users

12 Solutions No silver bullet… Software security tools
Software engineering processes, better programming languages, code audit, red teams Adding cryptography to DNS and BGP Long, slow process Challenges include performance, adoption, legacy infrastructure User education

13 Questions? Speaker information: Avi Rubin
Professor, Johns Hopkins University

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