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The Journal and Other Tools

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1 The Journal and Other Tools
Teacher Productivity The Journal and Other Tools

2 Using the Journal Using the journal as a “Smartboard” with a projector. Important point is that each item on the screen can be printed to the Journal and then can be annotated Office 2003 replaces some of this functionality

3 Journal Continued Once items are in the journal you can Works well for
Highlight Annotated Cut/Copy Enlarge using a the percent tool Works well for Web pages PowerPoints Code segments

4 Sample PowerPoint

5 Other Journal Uses Receive student assignments Print to Journal
Grade/annotate in the Journal Return Journal is capable of being read by virtually all machines

6 Sample of Journal Pages

7 Journal Templates Sample

8 How is this for a Template?

9 Creating the Journal Template
Let’s Create this: Open a blank Journal file Go to the data folder and right mouse click on the SchoolLogo.bmp From the shortcut menu select Copy Move to upper Left Corner and right mouse to Paste Save as Journal Template using the name Logo

10 Search is a Powerful Tool
Can search for either handwritten or typed text string

11 Can Manipulate Items Can Cut Copy Paste Move items once they have been selected. Use the Subset the handwritten on type written text. May need to highlight portions of type written text.

12 Journal Exporting If a user does not have Journal or the Journal Viewer a Journal File can be exported into a mht or mhtml format Either of these file formats are viewable from any web browser Also could be a tif file

13 Assignment Print PowerPoint slides into Journal Take all of your notes
Do searching

14 Using Journal Saves paper Electronic repository
Have personally reduced my printing quantity by at least 75% Electronic repository Works very well for storing information

15 The Zinio Reader

16 A Zinio Session

17 Adobe Reader Many various items are available in this format.
Most recent version is Adobe Reader 7.0 Limited inking functionality Will read out loud

18 Adobe Digital Media Store
Books of all titles and prices

19 An Adobe Reader Session

20 One Additional Reader – Microsoft Reader
Many public domain books available Limited experience with however seems to be more geared towards public books Will read out loud


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