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Bill of Rights.

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1 Bill of Rights

2 Bill of Rights Amendments – official changes, corrections or additions to Constitution Bill of Rights – first amendments to the Constitution

3 Bill of Rights “A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on Earth,…and what no just government should refuse.” ~Thomas Jefferson

4 Bill of Rights The First Amendment protects people’s right to:
Freedom of religion freedom of speech Right to assemble (meet) Right to petition – address the government Freedom of press (newspaper, radio, tv, internet)

5 Bill of Rights Second Amendment Right to bear arms (own guns).

6 Bill of Rights The Third Amendment
Cannot quarter (house) troops in homes

7 The Bill of Rights The Fourth Amendment Protects people from
unreasonable searches and seizures

8 What is required to search a house?
Contact a judge Show probable cause Get a search warrant

9 Bill of Rights The Fifth Amendment Right to a grand jury
You may not be tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy) You don’t have to testify against yourself (self incrimination) = pleading the 5th Deprive you of life, liberty or property w/out due process of law (fair treatment) Can’t take private property for public use w/out just compensation.

10 What does invoking the 5th amendment mean?
That a person can refuse to testify against him/herself

11 The Bill of Rights The Sixth Amendment guarantees:
Right to a speedy and public trial Judged by an impartial jury who live in his/her area That the accused can confront the witnesses who testify against them at the trial. The accused have a right to a lawyer.

12 The Bill of Rights The Seventh Amendment Civil trial, property and
divorce People involved in a civil trial have a right to a jury trial No judge can overrule the jury’s decision.

13 The Bill of Rights The Eighth Amendment guarantees: No Excessive bail
No excessive fines No cruel and unusual punishment

14 The Bill of Rights The Ninth Amendment
Even if the Constitution does not specifically mention certain rights, the people still have those rights (e.g. right to privacy)

15 The Bill of Rights The Tenth Amendment
Any power not given to the national (federal) government by the constitution, belongs to the states or the people.

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