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Unit 1 Test Today, you will receive your grade.

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1 Unit 1 Test Today, you will receive your grade.
Everyone is required to do test corrections. You will receive 50% of the points you missed, on all the questions you get right the second time around. You will mingle with other members of the class and find people who got the question right and correct your paper. On another sheet of paper, correct your answers and reflect on your missed questions (every one!): Why you missed it. What you know now. Turn it into the box when you are finished.

2 Body Systems Overview

3 DO NOW What do you know about the human body?
Q: What are the structures and functions of the systems of the human body? DO NOW: What do you know about the human body? Brainstorm as many organs in the body as you can think of….

4 -What’s happening inside? Laying it Out- identifying structures
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the structures and functions of the systems of the human body? OBJECTIVES: -What’s happening inside? Laying it Out- identifying structures of Human Body Systems (groups)

5 Laying It Out I am going to put you into groups (of 4) which you will stay in through this whole activity which will cover several days. After you form your groups, get a textbook and read the paragraph on page 10 under “What’s Happening Inside” You are going to draw an outline of a life-sized head, neck, and torso. Each student chooses 3-4 organs to draw. Label the organ and write the function. Write any questions you have around the outline. See procedure for part A on page 12.

6 Body Systems Overview Day 2 On your mark… DO NOW: Think of one organ system in your body and write all the organs that belong to that system.

7 What’s Happening Inside: Classifying the Organs
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the structures and functions of the systems of the human body? OBJECTIVES: What’s Happening Inside: Classifying the Organs

8 Classifying the Organs
Spread the organ or structure cards out on your desks and group them into systems. (15 min.) In your notebook, write down the organs you grouped together. (5 min.) Discuss what you think the function of each organ is. In your notebook, write any organ you are not sure about. (15 min.) Class discussion on each groups classifications.

9 Get a set of Body System cards from your teacher.
Rearrange your classification if necessary to fit all the organs with a body system card. Record the changes in your notebook (5 min.). Complete functions of body systems worksheet (20 min.).

10 Body Systems Overview- Day 3
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the structures and functions of the systems of the human body? OBJECTIVES: Complete Human Body Notebook Complete Functions of Human Body Systems Worksheet for future reference during the unit

11 Human Body System Intro to Human Body System Video

12 Human Body Systems Overview
Tape Body Systems into INB P. 68 Include: The body system name (example: digestive system) The organs identified on the picture The body outline Be careful to not cut any of these parts off as you prepare them to put into your notebook.

13 Functions of Human Body Systems
Complete the worksheet to the best of your ability using knowledge from the video and your figures glued in your INB. If you can’t identify the organ, at least try to write the system using key words. Example: blood- circulatory Example: urine- excretory

14 Body Systems Overview Fun Facts Worksheet-- with a partner DO NOW:
On your mark… DO NOW: Fun Facts Worksheet-- with a partner

15 Analysis of the Lab (in INB)
1. Look at the drawing made on the first day (part A). A. List some structures or organs that were not the right shape or size or were in the wrong place. B. Explain how you would change them if you could redraw the diagram.

16 2. Prepare a table with the headings: Organs and structures, system, and function (pg 14).
Body System Function

17 A. Fill in the first column (organs and structures) with the following organs: muscles of back and buttocks, spinal cord, kidneys (connected to the bladder by thin tubes), esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (and rectum), liver, windpipe (trachea), lungs, heart, bladder, rib cage (ribs and sternum) Organs and Structures Body System Function Muscles of back and buttocks Spinal cord

18 B. In the second column, identify the system that matches each organ or structure. For example, the stomach is part of the digestive system. C. In the third column, identify the function of each of the systems you mentioned in 2b. Organs and Structures Body System Function Muscles of back and buttocks Muscular Support and Movement Spinal cord

19 3. Imagine a younger student did not understand the difference between the body’s organs and systems. Explain the relationship in a way that a younger student would understand. 4. What new things have you learned about the human body in this activity? 5. A. What did you like about this lab? B. What didn’t you like about this lab?

20 Picture Vocabulary Vocabulary Word Definition Picture Organ Example:
a structure composed of one or more tissues that performs a function or a group of functions in the human body Example: lungs Function the specialized activities performed by a system, organ, body part, or device Oxygen exchange Structure the organization of parts at any level of biological structure Body system a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function Tissue a group of similar cells and cellular material that work together to perform a particular function

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