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Superheroes Our topic this half term is Maths

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1 Superheroes Our topic this half term is Maths
This half term, the children will enjoy practical activities which give them the opportunity to touch-count, recite numbers in order and recognise numerals. We will be exploring different ways of making sets of numbers and learning how to represent numbers in different ways. We will match a set of objects to the corresponding numeral. We will solve number problems and learn how to add and subtract. Communication and Language This half term, the children will take on the role of Superhero. They will listen to their peers and respond appropriately to keep the play going. We will be making our own superhero stories about rescuing those who need our help and capturing the villains. We will pretend to be real superheroes such as vets, nurses, doctors and firemen and learn how to use new vocabulary in real contexts. Literacy Using Talk for Writing, the children will learn how to re-tell the story of Supertato. We will take photographs of the children acting out the story and use story trays and puppets to help them sequence events. We will continue learning a different sound in our phonics sessions each week. The children will learn how to recognise each letter and the sound it makes. They will be supported to hear the sound in words and how to form the letters correctly. Expressive Arts and Design We will be designing capes, masks and shields in order to dress like superheroes. We will build a superhero headquarters and a superhero den. We will use these props to tell our own rescue stories and work alongside others on the same theme. We will learn songs and rhymes. We will interpret our own ideas into dance and movement in time to different superhero theme tunes. Curriculum Newsletter Summer NURSERY Our topic this half term is Superheroes Miss Mendham Mrs Parveen Mrs Chowdhury Personal, Social and Emotional Development The children will be taught the conventions of being a good listener. They will take turns to listen and respond to their peers. The children will be encouraged to think about their own abilities and be proud of what they achieve. They will be taught to persevere and be creative in solving problems that may arise. PE Every Thursday, the children will have a PE lesson, in the infant hall. The children will take off their own shoes, socks and jumpers and learn how to fold them neatly. We will be focussing on working with a partner to kick and catch a ball and how to work as a team to solve problems and complete tasks together. IMPORTANT NO JEWELLERY TO BE WORN. Understanding the World This half term, the children will be learning about different occupations and what each job entails. They will think about what they would like to do when they are grown up and the qualities they have that will make them good at these jobs. We will use technology to find information, take videos and photographs. We will perform simple coding in order to move characters around a scene and fulfil tasks along the way. Physical Development The children will continue to engage in activities which strengthen the muscles in their arms, shoulders, hands, wrists and fingers in order to become super-writers. They will practise forming letters and numerals correctly. We will be learning about the importance of being and staying healthy. We will explore a variety of fruits and vegetables and talk about the importance of exercise and sleep. If you have any questions please come and talk to us. Miss Mendham, Mrs Parveen and Mrs Chowdhury.

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