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Patterns larger than phrases

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1 Patterns larger than phrases
Lesson 16 Patterns larger than phrases

2 seven basic clause structures in English built around a verb phrase:
SVO Subject verb Object SV SVA SVC Complement SVOC SVOA adjuncts SVOO

3 SVA Adjuncts Adjuncts are most often optional elements that provide information related to manner, time, location or cause. Consider the following. Subject Verb Adjunct the small child cried very loudly [Adjunct of manner] my friend left that evening [Adjunct of time] Sarah lives in America [Adjunct of location] she has been sad since you left [Adjunct of cause Adjuncts may be represented by adverb phrases, noun phrases and prepositional phrases.

4 SVC Complements – add information about the subject / object
The treasurer = subject complement (A less contemporary term for it is predicate nominative). treasurer = object complement

5 Other examples of complements
A:Have you seen my umbrella? B: It’s downstairs, by the back door. They thought that he was crazy (S-V-Comp) d. The boy wanted to leave (S-V-Comp) e. The woman told the man to leave (S-V-DO-Comp) Infinitive complement

6 SVOC Test for distinguishing Objects from complements:
Subject Verb Object Complement Cole found the game frustrating the mussels made Rupinder ill Duncan designed the room rather dark Test for distinguishing Objects from complements: The object can be moved to the subject position with a passive verb. Complements cannot Rupinder was made ill by the mussels

7 SVOO Alex sent his regards to Ryan Alternatively, Subject Verb
Indirect Object Direct Object Alex sent Ryan his regards the twins shipped their friends the carved clock Sheila tossed Amerjit my shuttlecock Alternatively, Alex sent his regards to Ryan

8 Can you identify the clause structure?
My son went to university in Wales. To perform at Madison Square Gardens was her highest ambition Seven baby frogs crossed the path in front of me I always hope that he will remember me Jennifer sent her boss a postcard Jennifer sent a postcard to her boss Sam became a doctor Jennifer seems clever Mary made me successful Carrie painted the door red

9 Without a will Identify clause structures

10 Deviation from the given patterns is admitted to some extent
Lack of main verbs The lord chancellor sitting in Lincoln’s Inn Hall As much much mud in the streets as if… The lord chancellor WAS sitting in Lincoln’s Inn Hall THERE WAS as much much mud in the streets as if…

11 Finite vs non-finite Clauses can be finite or non-finite, depending on the form of the verb Finite verbs tell us when something happened, how many involved, what person) The water had retired The water retires in the morning Non-finite verbs can be refereed to any number, tense or person waddling, lowering (present participle) gone, splashed (past participle)

12 Main verb in main clause
A finite verb in a main clause is a MAIN VERB, which provides a kind of anchor (Carter et al .pp ) In text 4:3 p.111 main verbs are restored to the text only in the final paragraph. Up to that moment, the reader is left suspended is rawest sits the Lord High Chancellor There is a balance between main and subordinate clauses, with subordinate clauses used to elaborate, amplify or qualify information (Cfr.p. 128)

13 What's the difference between a gerund and a participle?
A gerund is a form of a verb used as a noun, whereas a participle is a form of verb used as an adjective or as a verb in conjunction with an auxiliary verb. In English, the present participle has the same form as the gerund. Walking is healthy gerund An award-winning service present participle They are walking present participle

14 Clause structure deviation
«At the very heart of the fog, sits the Lord High Chancellor» A V S Emphasis on fog Continuity (previous passages were all about the fog) Final character disclosure (and circular structure)

15 Clause structure deviation
Ellipsis for informality p. 127

16 passives

17 Form-function relation
The function of subject is normally performed by noun phrases However even other structures can perform the subject function Verb (gerund) Non-finite clauses Finite clauses

18 Identifying patterns Woyhout a will,

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