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Starter : Who were the Grand Alliance?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter : Who were the Grand Alliance?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter : Who were the Grand Alliance?
You have a card Stalin Roosevelt Churchill Using what you have completed for homework you must meet the other people in the room and tell them: One fact about your personality One way in which you could cooperate One reason why you will clash

2 How did the legacy of WWII make Cold War more likely?
 Aims To explore the legacy of the Second World and how it impacted on the superpowers To explain the attitudes of the main powers to the situation in 1945

3  starter activity Get extract from Gaddis or Isaac, also use clip from film: 36 minutes in to the clip What do events at the Elbe river in April 1945, reveal about relations between the US and USSR? 


5  Your task Study the source on p.16 and answer the ‘Discussion points’ questions that accompany it.

6 Intro – key points October 1944 Churchill and Stalin meet to talk war strategy – Churchill proposed ‘naughty document’ to list their interests in countries in Eastern Europe. Effort to limit the influence of USSR and uphold that of Britain Greece = 90% to Britain, Russia 10% Hungary and Bulgaria = 80% Russian "Might it not be thought rather cynical if it seemed we had disposed of these issues so fateful to millions of people, in such an offhand manner? Let us burn the paper", said Churchill. "No, you keep it", replied Stalin.

7 Division replaced cooperation
1945 – cooperation between West and USSR seemed possible. Yalta and Potsdam negotiations took place By 1947 divisions set with little hope for negotiation Berlin blockade China 1949 Korea Division replaced cooperation

8 Read p.16-19. Around your copies of this photo taken at the Teheran
Conference, 1943 annotate the picture with all of the tensions which existed because of the Second World War.

9 Who was to blame for these tensions?
Conflicts of personality between Big Three Power vacuum in post-Nazi Germany & Europe Economic recovery Emergence of USA & USSR as superpowers Atomic bomb Red Army Ideological differences – Wilsonian liberalism v Worldwide Revolution Distrust over conduct of WWII – Second Front Who was to blame for these tensions?

10 What were the attitudes of the main powers to the situation in 1945?
Read pages and complete: Hopes and aims for their government of Europe in 1945 Think about similarities and differences between these hopes and fears

11 Plenary The three leaders are about to meet in 1945 to decide on the post-war division of Europe Make a 3 point ‘to do list’ from the point of view of each leader

12 Homework for Thursday:
A presentation on Yalta or Potsdam In pairs you will be allocated one of these events to research and produce a presentation on. This will be delivered to another pair. You should consider what you will produce (handouts etc, how you will check they have understood, images, clarity)

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