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“City Name” “Put in a picture of their city, or skyline. Find a big picture and use the whole space! Find something that will draw attention:

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Presentation on theme: "“City Name” “Put in a picture of their city, or skyline. Find a big picture and use the whole space! Find something that will draw attention:"— Presentation transcript:

1 “City Name” “Put in a picture of their city, or skyline. Find a big picture and use the whole space! Find something that will draw attention:

2 “Physical Location in Europe
“Put in a picture of it’s location within Europe”

3 “Physical Location in Country Name”
“Put in a picture of it’s location within it’s own country”

4 “Physical Location in Country Name”
“Put in a picture of it’s location within it’s own country”

5 “Etymology” “How did it gets its Name?
“City” - “Population”– “Etymology”- “Put in an aerial picture of the city”

6 “Founding” “Founding” – How/Why was the city founded? “Put in an a historic picture/painting from the city’s founding period”

7 “Put a picture of this specific time frame”
“History before 1500” “History Before 1500” Find something interesting “Put a picture of this specific time frame”

8 “Put a picture of this specific time frame”
“History between ” “History Between ” – Find something interesting “Put a picture of this specific time frame”

9 “Put a picture of this specific time frame”
“History since 1800” “History since 1800” – Find something interesting “Put a picture of this specific time frame”

10 Put in a picture of the physical geography of the city
Topography “Topography” – What is the physical geography of the city? Put in a picture of the physical geography of the city

11 Put in a climate chart for the city
“Climate” – What is the physical geography of the city? Put in a climate chart for the city

12 Site Advantages – Conditions in the Local Area
Advantages – What site advantages does my city have? Think of resources in the area, does it have access to fresh water? What natural resources are nearby? Are there mountains for protection? For what physical geographic reasons does this city exist? Disadvantages - What site disadvantages does my city have? Think or resources are missing? What does it need (water, farmland, resources) that aren’t nearby? Put in a picture that depicts its site advantages

13 Situation Advantages -
“Connections” – How is my city connected to cities nearby? Can my city control travel to or from a certain region? What about trade. Are there navigable rivers nearby; are there several of them? Which direction do these rivers flow? Can my city easily trade with neighbors? Put in a picture that depicts its connection advantages

14 Put in a picture of a famous university
Economy “Economy” – What economic conditions/opportunities are there? Put in a picture of a famous university

15 Put in a picture of a famous university
Education “Education” – What educational opportunities are there? Put in a picture of a famous university

16 Put in a relevant picture of culture of the city
“Climate” – What is the culture of the city? Put in a relevant picture of culture of the city

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