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Ch 4.3 Amending The “C”.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 4.3 Amending The “C”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 4.3 Amending The “C”

2 ??? Which Article of the “C” allows for amending or being able to make changes to the “C”?

3 The “C” Flexible Allows for changes in society

4 Amendments Formal Changes

5 Amendment Necessary Not easy 11,000 introduced in Congress
33 sent to states to be ratified 27 actually ratified

6 Article V 2 step process Can be ratified 4 ways Page 63

7 Reality Only 1 method used for ratification EXCEPT ONE TIME
Exception = 21st “A”

8 MOST After congress approves the “A” it is sent to the states for ratification (approval) ¾ of the states must ratify State Legislatures ratify

9 21st ???? Used the Special Convention Method
Why? Needed support from people

10 ???? Does the President have any power in the “A” process? Not really
He can support or oppose but cannot pass or block

11 That means….. The power lies with Congress and the States

12 Equal Representation Article V Number in Senate can’t be changed
Always 2 from each state

13 Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments Proposed by Congress 1789
Ratified by States 1791

14 B of R Rights listed….. outline the freedoms guaranteed to the people and the states

15 1st Basic Freedoms Religion Speech Press Assembly Petition

16 2nd Right to bear arms You can own a gun BUT government can regulate

17 3rd Soldiers can not live in your house during peacetime (outdated)

18 4th Prevents unreasonable search & seizure
Police have no right to search or seize property without just cause

19 5th Rights of the Accused Outlines Due Process
Rights of those accused of a crime Eminent Domain

20 6th Right to a fair trial Fair, speedy, public trial Jury Witnesses

21 7th Civil trials Right to jury in civil case
Civil case = no criminal conduct

22 8th Bans excessive bail Bans cruel & unusual punishment

23 9th Rights retained by the people
Guarantees other rights not listed in the “C” (privacy)

24 10th States Rights Reserves power for the States that are not specifically given to the national government (schools, state tax, licensing)

25 #11-27 Define powers of government
Changes to elections / government officials Reflection of social values Expanded voting rights Page 65

26 Check 4.3 What are Amendments 1-10 called? Who proposes the “A”?
Who ratifies the “A”? What does ratify mean? Why was the state convention method used for ratification for the 21st “A”? All other “A” have been ratified by which method?

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