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Automated Software Integration

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1 Automated Software Integration
Dmitriy Bespalov Department of Computer Science College of Engineering Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104

2 Overview Introduction of automated software integration Related work
Challenges of Automated Integration Testing Future work Conclusions

3 What is automated software integration?
System A System B Information Flow

4 Why is it important? Complex Time consuming VERY Expensive
Manual software integration: Complex Time consuming VERY Expensive

5 Related Work Automated Methods for Integrating Systems (AMIS)
Investigate whether we now have the technology to perform automated software integration Identify integration activities that may benefit from automation Identify methods and technology to be used in the process Characterize common problems that could be solved by automation

6 AMIS An algorithm for finding optimal solution for information flow between applications Given rules for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many information type transformation Cost is associated with each rule Probabilities may be associated with multiple outcomes rules Algorithm returns optimal (based on the cost) path from initial input to required outcome

7 AMIS Input: A Outcome: D Rule 1 Input: A Output: B Cost: c1 Rule 3
Output: C Cost: c2 Rule 3 Input: B,C Output: D Cost: c3 Input: A Outcome: D

8 AMIS Algorithm is an example of semi-automatic integration
Complexity of the algorithm is NP-Hard (very slow) Approximation can not be used

9 Related Work The Stanford-IBM Manager of Multiple Information Sources (TSIMMIS) Develop tools that facilitate integration of information Extract properties from unstructured objects Transform information into a common object model Combine information from several sources [

10 Related Work Contivo’s Analyst
Performs data transformation between applications Oriented to business applications Partly human-interactive, uses visual maps Partly self-learning [

11 Challenges of Automated Integration
Standards Multiple versions Conflicting standards Rapid standards development Ontologies (one type of standard) No universal ontology Translations between ontologies can be very hard Legacy Systems Source code may be unavailable for integration Legacy systems are poorly supported

12 Challenges of Automated Integration
Consider color. Color can be represented: Red, Green, Blue Cyan, Magenta, Yellow Hue, Saturation, Brightness Words, semantics, number of components match Although, semantics of the components are not the same

13 Automated Testbeds Testbed – environment used to test software
Poorly studied problem A number of projects exist B2B Interoperability Testbed – tests interaction of business applications [ Z-Interop – testbed for vendors and consumers of Z39.50 products [

14 What will happen in the future?
Global ontologies might be constructed Given complete logical relationships, map-making may be used for integration Map-making may be partially automated Automated model recreation from legacy software

15 Conclusions A lot of research to be done
Currently, automated integration is performed for primitive examples It is difficult to envision whether automation of software integration process will be performed for general case

16 Thank you Donald Libes Lisa Fronczek and all of you!

17 Any questions?

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