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Explorers of North America and Texas

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1 Explorers of North America and Texas
Explorers of North America and Texas

2 Explorers of New Spain (Texas)

3 Explorer: Christopher Columbus
1492= Year he discovered the West Indies Explored – the Caribbean Islands Goal: Find a direct water route to Asia. BUT…He found “Indians” and new natural resources, (but no route to India or China). Born: Italy From: Spain

4 Christopher Columbus Known for - West Indies/New World
Why in Texas? He wasn’t!!! Did not get to Texas! Impact of Expedition - **Failure – he didn’t discover a faster route to Asia **Success – he opened up the “New World” to Europe **First European encounter with the Americas. Established the ‘Columbian Exchange’ of goods and ideas across the Atlantic. Impact on Texas - Started Spanish exploration in North America (Texas)

5 Christopher Columbus **Interactive Map: Explorers (Pearson)

6 Explorers of North America and Texas
Hernán Cortés 1519 (1521 – conquered Aztecs) Explored: Mexico & Central America Goal: Conquer the Aztec empire in Mexico (locals thought they were gods with their armor & horses). From: Spain

7 Hernán Cortés Known for - Mexico/Aztecs
Why in Texas? - He wasn’t!!! BUT his purpose for exploring was to get GOLD, GLORY and GOD for Spain Impact of Expedition – **Success - conquered the Aztecs and became the first “governor” of New Spain (Mexico) **Established New Spain in Mexico and Central America, brought home great wealth, and spread Christian faith. Impact on Texas - Inspired others to explore more territory in North America

8 Hernán Cortés **Interactive Map: Explorers (Pearson)

9 Columbus Cortez Pizarro Pineda De Vaca Coronado Moscoso La Salle
The two explorers that we just talked about were NEVER IN TEXAS!!!! Pizarro Pineda De Vaca Coronado Moscoso La Salle All of the rest of the explorers WERE in Texas at some point!!!

10 Explorers of North America and Texas
Francisco Pizarro XXX? 1532 Explored: South America From: Spain

11 XXX? Francisco Pizarro Goal: Conquer the wealthy
Incan empire in Peru – 1532 (with superior firepower & horses). XXX? Important??? = Extended Spanish control into South America along with “God, gold, and glory.”

12 Francisco Pizarro

13 Explorers of North America and Texas
Alonso Álvarez de Pineda From: Spain 1519 - ** Year TX History began (the year he mapped our coast) Explored: along Texas coast Goal: Search for a water route to the Pacific Ocean, but failed. First to see Mississippi River.

14 Alonso Álvarez de Pineda
Known for - MAP Why in Texas? - The governor of Jamaica ordered Pineda to explore this new area in order to find a route to the Pacific Impact of Expedition - Success (he mapped the coast) Failure (no route to the Pacific) ** Created first maps and charts of Texas coast and may have had first contact with Texas Indians. Impact on Texas - 1st to observe and map the Texas Coast


16 Explorers of North America and Texas
Pánfilo de Narváez From: Spain 1527 Explored: Florida to Texas coast Goal: Explore lands north of Mexico, but bad luck and storms doomed expedition. Impact of Expedition: Explored Cuba, his survivors were first Europeans to set foot on Texas soil in 1528.

17 Explorers of North America and Texas
Pánfilo de Narváez

18 Explorers of North America and Texas
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca From: Spain XXX? 1528 1528 – 1536 Years he was stranded in North America Explored: From upper Texas coast to Mexico Goal: Survive shipwreck and return to Mexico. Lived among Indians as a slave, shaman, and trader until 1536.

19 Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Known for SHIPWRECK Why in Texas? Oops… it was an accident… shipwrecked --(looking for GOLD in FL, Narvaez was killed) Impact of Expedition: Failure – no GOLD, no GLORY… but he did… meet the Karankawas, Texas’ 1st explorer, 1st surgeon, 1st author with Relacion Impact on Texas Told tales of cities of gold – led to more exploration

20 Francisco Vásquez de Coronado
Known for : PANHANDLE Why in Texas? Looking for the 7 cities of GOLD Impact of Expedition: Failure – No gold, no settlements crossed the “Sea of Grass” (TX Panhandle) Impact on Texas: Told about buffalo, villages, TX LAND in the Panhandle ** Discovered the Grand Canyon, claimed land for Spain, and gathered information on native cultures.

21 Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
***Published book in 1542, described land, people, and animals. Talked of gold at the Seven Cities of Cíbola.

22 Explorers of North America and Texas
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado From: Spain years he explored Great Plains Explored: Mexico | Great Plains into Kansas Goal: Find the City of Gold (Cíbola), but they found no treasure.

23 Francisco Vásquez de Coronado

24 Explorers of North America and Texas
Hernando De Soto / Luis de Moscoso XXX? From Spain Moscoso in charge of expedition 1539 & 1542

25 De Soto / Moscoso Goal: Find riches in North America, but De Soto died soon after crossing the Mississippi River. Known for EAST TX Why in Texas? Hernan de Soto was looking for GOLD, when he died, Moscoso took over and took the expedition to East TX Impact of Expedition: Failure – no gold, did find petroleum Impact on Texas: 1st European in East TX

26 XXX? Hernando De Soto / Luis de Moscoso
**De Soto discovered Mississippi River **Moscoso came to East Texas, met Caddoes, and found oil.

27 XXX?

28 Explorers of North America and Texas
Juan de Oñate XXX? 1598

29 Explorers of North America and Texas
Juan de Oñate XXX? Goal: Find riches and establish Catholic missions in TX/NM. Founded El Paso and Santa Fe.

30 Explorers of North America and Texas
Juan de Oñate XXX? Claimed New Mexico for Spain and celebrated the first Thanksgiving in North America (Texas, April 1598). [English Pilgrims: November 1621]

31 Explorers of North America and Texas
Juan de Oñate XXX?

32 Explorers of North America and Texas

33 Explorer: La Salle (1685-1687) Years Fort St. Louis was in Texas
Known for French Why in Texas? He was LOST!! Looking for the Mississippi River Impact of Fort St. Louis (settlement) – claimed TX for the Expedition French for two years – murdered by his own crew Impact on Made the Spanish paranoid – the Spanish got Texas more serious about settling TX and not just exploring it

34 FRENCH Explorers: Explorers of North America and Texas
René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle XXX? 1682 & 1684

35 Explorers of North America and Texas
René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle XXX? Goal: Find Northwest Passage, but claimed all lands drained into Mississippi River for France and King Louis XIV (1682).

36 Explorers of North America and Texas
René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle XXX? Return journey from France (1684) landed in Texas, killed by his men. French trade with Native Texans turns Spanish focus to East Texas.

37 Explorers of North America and Texas



40 Quiz: The Age of Contact Begins
Where did Columbus actually land on his first voyage of discovery? A. India B. China C. an island in the Pacific Ocean D. an island in the Caribbean Sea

41 Quiz: The Conquistadors
Why did the Spanish conquistadors start sailing to the Americas? A. to find oil B. to find gold C. to become fur traders D. to convert natives to Christianity

42 Quiz: Cortés Conquers the Aztecs
What did the Spanish build on the ruins of Tenochtitlán? A. a temple B. a fort C. Mexico City D. Lake Texcoco

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