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Rhode Island Quality Institute

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1 Rhode Island Quality Institute
Advancing Primary Care Through Effective Use of Data Elaine Fontaine, Director, Data Quality and Analytics

2 You Say You Want A Revolution….
ACOs Risk Contracts MACRA/MIPS The Opioid Epidemic Population Health We are in the midst of a transformative time, but it is messy

3 Primary Care Needs Actionable Data, Leading to Insight
"The price of light is less than the cost of darkness."  - Arthur C. Nielsen However, making decisions with limited information can be costly. We have in front of us an enormous opportunity, and it would be imprudent to remain in the dark.

4 Defining Analytics Analytics leverage data
in a particular functional process (or application) to enable context-specific insight that is actionable.1  Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research  to quantify performance. Analytics often favors data visualization to communicate insight. Firms may commonly apply analytics to business data, to describe, predict, and improve business performance.2 1. Kirk, Jeremy. “'Analytics' buzzword needs careful definition.” InfoWorld. 2/7/2006. Web. Accessed 4/24/14. 2. Wikipedia. Web. Accessed 4/24/

5 Gartner’s Analytics Maturity Model

6 Primary Care Can Demonstrate Value Through Metrics
Process measures What are the steps in the processes that support the system performing as planned? Outcome measures What is the intermediate or final desired result? Balancing measures Are changes designed to improve one part of the system causing new problems in other parts of the system?

7 Requirements for Using Data Effectively
Know Your Data Understand Why, When and How to Aggregate Know Your Audience Be Transparent and Acknowledge Limitations Keep It Simple, but Be Prepared to Provide Details Provide Answers to The Questions How are we making the lives of our patients better?

8 Understand Different Uses for Data in Primary Care
Intervention Feedback Accountability

9 Important Take Aways Do Begin with the End in Mind
Understand and Acknowledge Data Limitations Keep Your Analysis as Simple as Possible, but Not Simpler Provide Clear, Understandable Visualizations Don’t Let Perfection Be the Enemy of the Good Confuse Data for Improvement with Data for Accountability

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