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Moon Expedition STEM Challenge.

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1 Moon Expedition STEM Challenge

2 Teacher Information Subjects: Science and ELA Grade Level: 1st Grade
Suggested Duration: One day – Day 1: 60 minutes This STEM challenge can be implemented after you have completed lessons 5 or 7 in CKLA Domain 6 - Astronomy. Day 1: Explain to the students that in the STEM challenge they will be challenged to create a tool to pick up a moon rock from the surface of the moon. Review the essential question and learning goal and scale. Introduce or review the engineering design process. Place students in groups of two or three to complete the challenge. Provide students with paper to sketch out their plan for their design. Complete the challenge using the create and test/improve portion of the engineering design process. After completing the challenge have the students reflect by answering a few of the reflection questions on slide 11.

3 Standards/Practices AZ Science Standards - Strand 6: Earth and Space Science Concept 2: Objects in the Sky NGSS Practices S1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering). S2. Developing and using models. S6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering).

4 Year Long Essential Question How do we make sense of problems, design solutions, and persevere in solving them?

5 Student Learning Goal: Students can make sense of problems, design solutions, and persevere in solving them. Scale 4 I can identify problems and make sense of them, design solutions, and persevere in solving them by using the engineering design process and a growth mindset (grit). 3 I can independently make sense of problems, design solutions, and persevere in solving them by using the engineering design process and a growth mindset (grit): Asking questions Imagining – Brainstorming ideas Planning Creating and testing Improving 2 With support, I can make sense of problems, design solutions, and persevere in solving them by using the engineering design process and a growth mindset (grit). 1 Even with support, I am having difficulty making sense of problems, designing solutions and persevering in solving them by using the engineering design process and a growth mindset (grit).


7 Using the materials your teacher provides, can you build a tool to collect a moon rock from the surface of the moon?


9 Criteria Design and build a tool to collect a moon rock from the surface of the moon? The tool must be able to get the rock to the space shuttle collection unit. Constraints You must only use the materials provided. You have 20 minutes to build.

10 Materials Popsicle sticks Tape – 24 inches Scissors yarn
Construction Paper Paper towel rolls Pipe cleaners Paper clips Spoons Cups Rubber bands

11 Student Reflection Describe your design.
How did this design address the challenge? How could you make this design better? What did you learn about construction and engineering during this challenge?


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