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Minutes of a meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Minutes of a meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minutes of a meeting

2 What are minutes? Document used to describe the discussions, decisions, and actions that occurred during a meeting.

3 Example document: See pages of the 3.01 Document Examples PDF file

4 Examples of use: Detailed minutes from a company meeting of stockholders including the pros and cons of each discussion point The minutes of the State Board of Education A meeting of the PTSA Grounds Committee to decide where to plant shrubs

5 Components of minutes of a meeting
Heading Call to Order Approval of Minutes Committee Reports Old Business New Business Adjournment Signature line

6 Heading information Name of organization or committee
Type of meeting (example: Regular Board Meeting) Date Minutes were prepared Location of the meeting

7 Components of minutes of a meeting . . . CONT’D
Call to Order – formal declaration by the chairperson of the meeting that it has officially begun Approval of Minutes – review of previous minutes by board members Committee Reports – progress reports presented by sub- committee chairs

8 Components of minutes of a meeting . . . Cont’d
Old Business – unresolved discussions from a previous meeting New Business – new topics and issues Adjournment – notation of who adjourned the meeting Signature line - for recording secretary

9 Guidelines for Keying Heading – Centered, initial caps, and bold
Body - contains a separate paragraph for each subject Block Style Paragraphs - Single space within paragraphs and double space between

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