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2 What Is Nutrition? The study of how your body uses the food you eat.

3 What is a Nutrient chemical substance in food that helps maintain bodily processes help build cells and tissues no single food supplies all the nutrients the body needs to function

4 Six Essential Nutrients
Protein Fats Carbohydrates Vitamins Minerals Water Sugars Starches Fiber

5 Carbohydrates The body’s main source of energy
Simple: Crash & burn effect – candy, soda, cookies (sugar) Complex: Long term energy – pasta, bread, starchy vege’s (starch) Fiber – aids in digestion Long term storage - glycogen

6 Protein Builds, repairs, and maintains body tissues
Plant Sources – dried beans and peas, soy, nuts Animals Sources – meat, fish, poultry, eggs

7 Fats Used by the body to store energy Insulate body and protect organs
Types of fats Saturated Unsaturated Trans fat Cholesterol Omega’s

8 Vitamins Substances needed in small amounts to help regulate body functions. Helps cells, tissues, and organs stay healthy. Vita – Latin for Life

9 Vitamins Fat Soluble AND Water Soluble
Fat Soluble – A, D, E, K Stored in the body Water Soluble – B and C Vit C – Heals wounds, builds bones and forms red blood cells

10 Minerals Needed in small amounts to help keep strong bones & teeth, blood healthy Your body needs 17 minerals daily Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium needed for electrolyte balance Trace minerals – iron, iodine, zinc, copper, fluoride

11 Water Necessary for survival; can only live a few days without water
Aids in digestion Moves nutrients/chemicals through the body Helps the chemical reactions in the body transport materials to and from cells Most common nutrient in food is water

12 Calorie: A unit of energy measurement in food
Basal Metabolism: The energy needed to maintain automatic processes.

13 Healthy Food Choices Malnutrition – a lack of food or unhealthy food choices Appearance – clear skin, shiny hair Fitness – energy to do what you need to do Weight – food choices = healthy weight

14 Healthy Food Choices Protection from Illness – defend against disease
Healing – build new cells and repair old Emotional Strength – stress reduction Future Health – heart disease and some cancers

15 Nutrient Requirements
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)  - the amount of a nutrient needed by 98% of the people in a given age and gender group. RDI – Recommended Dietary Intake


17 Portion Sizes Do You Know How Food Portions Have Changed in 20 Years?
Calorie requirements have not changed: Males  14-18          Females  14-18 Calories 2600          Calories 2000

18 COFFEE Today Mocha Coffee (with steamed whole milk and mocha syrup)
20 Years Ago Coffee (w/whole milk & sugar) 45 calories 8 ounces How many calories are in today's coffee?

19 COFFEE Calorie Difference: 305 calories Today 20 Years Ago 45 calories
8 ounces 350 calories 16 ounces Calorie Difference: 305 calories

20 MUFFIN 20 Years Ago Today 210 calories 1.5 ounces
How many calories are in today’s muffin?

21 MUFFIN Calorie Difference: 290 calories 20 Years Ago Today
1.5 ounces 500 calories 4 ounces Calorie Difference: 290 calories

22 PEPPERONI PIZZA 20 Years Ago Today 500 calories
How many calories are in two large slices of today’s pizza?

23 PEPPERONI PIZZA Calorie Difference: 350 calories 20 Years Ago Today

24 BAGELS Calorie Difference: 210 calories

25 MOVIE POPCORN Calorie Difference: 360 calories

26 CHICKEN CEASAR SALAD Calorie Difference: 400 calories

27 FRENCH FRIES Calorie Difference: 400 calories

28 CHEESEBURGER Calorie Difference: 257 calories

29 TURKEY SANDWICH Calorie Difference: 500 calories

30 Portion Sizes Pretzels 1 serving = 10 twists Chocolate Milk
1 serving = 8 oz Breakfast Cereal 1 serving = ¾ cup Syrup 1 serving = 2 TBSP

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