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Chapter 2 What speakers know.

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1 Chapter 2 What speakers know

2 Linguistic knowledge (Vocabulary, Grammar etc.)
Extralinguistic knowledge Topic Culture Context Interpersonal familiarity (degree of formality)

3 Q: Discuss examples of sociocultural knowledge (p.12)

4 Communicative Competence (Canale and Swain, 1980)
Grammatical competence: words and rules What words do I use? How do I put them into phrases and sentences? Sociolinguistic competence: appropriateness Which words and phrases fit this setting and this topic? How can I express a specific attitude (courtesy, authority, friendliness, respect) when I need to? How do I know what attitude another person is expressing? Strategic competence: appropriate use of communication strategies How can I express my ideas if I don’t know the name of something or the right verb form to use? Discourse competence (Canale,1983) Cohesion/ Coherence ---How are words, phrases and sentences put together to create conversations, speeches, messages, newspaper articles?

5 Genre knowledge Q: Discuss examples of interactive and non-interactive speech genres?

6 Genre knowledge Q: What are the differences between transactional and interpersonal functions?

7 Discourse knowledge Q: Cohesion vs. coherence

8 I am a teacher. The teacher was late for class. Class rhymes with grass. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But it wasn't.

9 A: Someone is at the door. B: I'm in the bath. A: OK. I’ll answer it.

10 Q: What are the discourse markers you often use in your L1 and L2?

11 Pragmatic knowledge Q: What is ‘pragmatics’
Pragmatic knowledge Q: What is ‘pragmatics’? What does ‘pragmatic competence’ entail?

12 The ability to understand another speaker's intended meaning is called pragmatic competence. How the transmission of meaning depends not only on the linguistic knowledge of the speaker and listener, but also on the context of the utterance, knowledge about the status of those involved, the inferred intent of the speaker, and so on.

13 Pragmatic knowledge Q: Discuss examples of speech acts

14 Pragmatic knowledge <politeness>
A: How do I look? B: I love your dress. It is beautiful.

15 “Dinner!” “Make dinner, please.” “Can you make dinner, please.” “Could you make dinner, please.” “Could you possibly make dinner, please, if you have time.” “I was wondering if you could possibly make dinner, please– if you don’t mind.” “Sweetheart – I was wondering whether you could possibly make dinner, please, if you have time – if you don’t mind.”

16 Pragmatic knowledge Register
To your brother: What's up? It's awesome that you came to visit! To the President: Good morning, Mr. President. We appreciate your visit.

17 Spoken and written language
Life is tough. A final point is... By the way... To state it briefly / In brief,... In a nutshell... Life presents a number of challenges. Last but not least... There are advantages and disadvantages to... Government must make laws... Another point is that... Every coin has two sides. There is a need for laws...

18 Q: What is your definition of “knowing a word”?

19 Knowing a word means… Knowing how often it occurs, the company it keeps, its appropriateness in different situations, its syntactic behavior, its underlying form and derivations, its word associations and its semantic features (Richards, 1976) .

20 Benefits of using chunks
The language users can economize an effort on building up every piece for structuring expressions or phrases from the scratch every time by using the pre-constructed expressions(Carter, 1998) Beneficial for the L2 learners whose production is not native-like fluent but grammatically correct (Nation, 2001). Effective to the L2 learners since they encounter similar situations they can use the chunks in similar ways in real life (Singleton, 2000).

21 Language functions can be automatically learned through the chunks (Carter, 1998) . Pragmatic competence is determined by a learner's ability to access and adapt prefabricated "chunks" of language (Nattinger & DeCarrico, 1992) . Learning formulaic chunks reduces the learning burden and maximizes communicative ability by providing 'islands of reliability'(Ellis, 1994) .

22 Q: What are the speech conditions that affect your fluency?

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