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Biodiversity Learning Manager, Field Studies Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity Learning Manager, Field Studies Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity Learning Manager, Field Studies Council.
Risk Management Systems and Risk Assessments Risk management is an integral part of any educational experience. This section should cover all the practical aspects of risk management, definitions of terms, as well as the ‘paperwork’ and planning aspects. Course participants should be aware of the non-statutory aspects of the National Curriculum that cover risk management for pupils, and how to involve pupils in the risk management process. This shouldn’t be covered all in a powerpoint! (involving pupils) Learning Objectives for the Risk Management Section. Explain the purpose of a Risk Assessment and Management system. For example the triangle model of risk management: found at Clearly define ‘hazard’ , ‘risk’ ‘suitable and sufficient’ and ‘control measure’ Identify hazards in a variety of out of classroom environments and understand how certain influences will affect perceptions of the hazards. Explain the differences between the three types of Risk Assessment – generic, site specific and dynamic Apply the five step process of Risk Assessment. Be aware of the main psychological factors that contribute to accidents. Construct a risk assessment with in an appropriate template and control measures. Understand why and how to involve pupils in risk management. Distinguish which aspects of LOtC need to be risk assessed e.g. travel. Sue Townsend Biodiversity Learning Manager, Field Studies Council.


3 What is Good Planning Preparation Delivering Knowing your learners
Knowing your aims Knowing your sites Preparation Hand outs Field Kit Delivering Introductions Shared Plan Good content A definite ending This is the link to the hierarchy in slide 3 so act to regs from regs comes guidance such as COSHH, 5 steps to RA and HASPEV are relevant to this topic

4 What is Bad Planning Preparation Delivering
Not knowing aims or audience Calling a field visit training when it’s just recording Preparation Introductory slide show for 1 hr No resources Delivering Leader not introduced Poor timekeeping Poor instructions A fragmented finish This is the link to the hierarchy in slide 3 so act to regs from regs comes guidance such as COSHH, 5 steps to RA and HASPEV are relevant to this topic

5 What is Downright Ugly Planning Preparation Delivering None
No facilities or stops Accident/emergency/behaviour Course members arguments No beginning and no end An unfortunate encounter with an angry land owner This is the link to the hierarchy in slide 3 so act to regs from regs comes guidance such as COSHH, 5 steps to RA and HASPEV are relevant to this topic

6 We asked 29 botany trainers “Why bother with difficult plants?”
Please consider their 40 answers and try to categorise them into one of 6 boxes according to where you consider the need in planning a training event. Decide the order of the five steps.

7 Personal skills/qualities as a trainer
Planning the event Providing resources Personal skills/qualities as a trainer Health and Safety Protecting the site/species Sharing the outcomes Decide the order of the five steps.

8 Is there a skills pyramid of botany training?

9 Please use your tables to annotate/correct and coment


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