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High Performance PL/SQL
Steven Feuerstein PL/SQL Evangelist, Quest Software
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What I won't be talking about
Tuning SQL statements I am not an expert in explain plans, hints, the CBO, etc. BUT DO THIS FIRST! Configuring the database The DBA must make sure that all of the many caches in the System Global Area are big enough to avoid swapping due to application of the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. Instead, I will focus on changes you can make only in your PL/SQL code. And prioritize those changes that lead to an order of magnitude or more improvement.
High Performance PL/SQL Agenda
BULK COLLECT and FORALL Data caching NOCOPY hint Pipelined table functions Note: most of these features rely on collections, PL/SQL’s arrays. For more info on how to leverage collections, check out: “Can Collections Speed Up Your PL/SQL?” by Patrick Barel, AMIS Wednesday June 27, Session 14, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Oracle features and utilities that assist in optimization
Memory management and PL/SQL code If you are not careful, you can crash your session and/or server. Profiling execution of code Identify performance bottlenecks Calculating elapsed time of execution Critical for granular analysis of performance and comparison of performance between different implementations of same program
PL/SQL Runtime Memory Architecture
System Global Area (SGA) of RDBMS Instance Shared Pool Library cache Reserved Pool Shared SQL Pre-parsed Select * from emp Update emp Set sal=... Large Pool calc_totals show_emps upd_salaries emp_rec emp%rowtype; tot_tab pkg.tottabtype; emp_rec emp%rowtype; tot_tab pkg.tottabtype; Session 1 Session 2 Session 1 memory UGA – User Global Area PGA – Process Global Area Session 2 memory UGA – User Global Area PGA – Process Global Area
How PL/SQL uses the SGA, PGA and UGA
The SGA contains information that can be shared across schemas connected to the instance. From the PL/SQL perspective, this is limited to package static constants. The Process Global Area contains session-specific data that is released when the current server call terminates. Local data The User Global Area contains session-specific data that persists across server call boundaries Package-level data PACKAGE Pkg is Nonstatic_Constant CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := My_Sequence.Nextval; Static_Constant CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 42; END Pkg; plsql_memory.pkg plsql_memory_demo.sql show_memory.sp
Profiling execution of PL/SQL code
Two profilers: DBMS_PROFILER: line by line performance DBMS_HPROF: hierarchical profiler, rollup to program units Both help identify bottlenecks in your code. Relative performance of each line of code in your programs and program unit level performance Code coverage analysis BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( DBMS_PROFILER.START_PROFILER ( 'my_application ' || TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS') ) ); run_your_application; DBMS_PROFILER.STOP_PROFILER; END;
Calculating Elapsed Time of Programs
Many options for analyzing Oracle performance: TKPROF, SET TIMING ON, etc. But they usually don't offer the granularity I need for my PL/SQL performance analysis. Oracle offers DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME and GET_CPU_TIME (10g) to compute elapsed time down to the hundredth of a second. Can also use SYSTIMESTAMP DECLARE l_start_time PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN l_start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time; -- Do stuff here... DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( DBMS_UTILITY.get_time – l_start_time); END; sf_timer.* get_time.sql plvtmr.* plvtmr_ts.pkg tmr.ot thisuser*.*
Turbo-charge SQL with Bulk Processing Statements
Improve the performance of repeated SQL operations by an order of magnitude or more with bulk/array processing in PL/SQL! CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE upd_for_dept ( dept_in IN employee.department_id%TYPE ,newsal_in IN employee.salary%TYPE) IS CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT employee_id,salary,hire_date FROM employee WHERE department_id = dept_in; BEGIN FOR rec IN emp_cur LOOP adjust_compensation (rec, newsal_in); UPDATE employee SET salary = rec.salary WHERE employee_id = rec.employee_id; END LOOP; END upd_for_dept; Row by row processing: elegant but inefficient
Row by row processing of DML in PL/SQL
Oracle server PL/SQL Runtime Engine SQL Engine Procedural statement executor PL/SQL block SQL statement executor FOR rec IN emp_cur LOOP UPDATE employee SET salary = ... WHERE employee_id = rec.employee_id; END LOOP; Performance penalty for many “context switches”
Bulk processing with FORALL
Oracle server PL/SQL Runtime Engine SQL Engine Procedural statement executor PL/SQL block FORALL indx IN list_of_emps.FIRST.. list_of_emps.LAST UPDATE employee SET salary = ... WHERE employee_id = list_of_emps(indx); SQL statement executor Update... Update... Fewer context switches, same SQL behavior
Bulk Processing in PL/SQL
FORALL Use with inserts, updates and deletes. Move data from collections to tables. BULK COLLECT Use with implicit and explicit queries. Move data from tables into collections. In both cases, the "back back" end processing in the SQL engine is unchanged. Same transaction and rollback segment management Same number of individual SQL statements will be executed. But BEFORE and AFTER statement-level triggers only fire once per FORALL statement.
DECLARE TYPE employees_aat IS TABLE OF employees%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_employees employees_aat; BEGIN SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO l_employees FROM employees; FOR indx IN 1 .. l_employees.COUNT LOOP process_employee (l_employees(indx)); END LOOP; END; Declare a collection of records to hold the queried data. Use BULK COLLECT to retrieve all rows. bulkcoll.sql bulktiming.sql Iterate through the collection contents with a loop. BULK COLLECT will not raise NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows are found. Collection is always filled sequentially starting from index value 1.
Limit the number of rows returned by BULK COLLECT
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE bulk_with_limit (deptno_in IN dept.deptno%TYPE) IS CURSOR emps_in_dept_cur IS SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = deptno_in; TYPE emp_tt IS TABLE OF emps_in_dept_cur%ROWTYPE; emps emp_tt; BEGIN OPEN emps_in_dept_cur; LOOP FETCH emps_in_dept_cur BULK COLLECT INTO emps LIMIT 1000; EXIT WHEN emps.COUNT = 0; process_emps (emps); END LOOP; END bulk_with_limit; Use the LIMIT clause with the INTO to manage the amount of memory used with the BULK COLLECT operation. Definitely the preferred approach in production applications with large or varying datasets. Always check the contents of the collection, as opposed to the %NOTFOUND attributes, to determine if you fetched and processed all rows. bulklimit.sql
Use the FORALL Bulk Bind Statement
Instead of executing repetitive, individual DML statements, you can write your code like this: Things to be aware of when using FORALL: You MUST know how to use collections to use this feature! Only a single DML statement is allowed per FORALL. You can use static and dynamic SQL with FORALL. PROCEDURE upd_for_dept (...) IS BEGIN FORALL indx IN list_of_emps.FIRST .. list_of_emps.LAST UPDATE employee SET salary = newsal_in WHERE employee_id = list_of_emps (indx); END; bulktiming.sql
Key features and limitations of FORALL
Use SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT to determine the number of rows modified by each statement executed. SQL%ROWCOUNT returns total number of rows modified by the entire FORALL. Use SAVE_EXCEPTIONS and SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS to continue past exceptions in any of the statements. Granular error recovery and logging The binding array must be sequentially filled through Oracle 9i. In Oracle10g, use INDICES OF or VALUES OF. You cannot reference fields of collections of records within the DML statement. bulk_rowcount.sql bulkexc.sql
From Old–Fashioned to Modern Code
Traditional PL/SQL code often involves a cursor FOR loop and multiple DML statements inside the loop. An integrated, row-by-row approach with the option of trapping and continuing past exceptions. Elegant and flexible, but slow. Bulk processing means a switch to "phased approach". Phase 1: retrieve data with BULK COLLECT Phase 2: prepare data in collections Phases 3 – N: execute a FORALL for each DML statement cfl_to_bulk_0.sql cfl_to_bulk_5.sql
Bulk Processing Conclusions
Most important performance tuning feature in PL/SQL. Almost always the fastest way to execute multi-row SQL operations in PL/SQL. You trade off increased complexity of code for dramatically faster execution. But in Oracle Database 10g and above, the compiler will automatically optimize cursor FOR loops to BULK COLLECT efficiency. No need to convert unless the loop contains DML. Watch out for the impact on PGA/UGA memory! emplu.pkg (emplu3)
Data Caching Options Why cache data? Options for caching data:
Because it is static and therefore you want to avoid the performance overhead of retrieving that data over and over again. Options for caching data: The SGA: Oracle does lots of caching for us, but it is not always the most efficient means. Package data structures: PGA memory has less access overhead than SGA. Oracle11g Function Result Cache Deterministic functions
Packaged collection caching
Prior to Oracle 11g, the best caching option for PL/SQL programs involves declaring a package-level data structure. It persists for the entire session. Usually a collection, to store multiple rows of data. Why query information from the database (SGA) if that data does not change during your session? Trivial example: the USER function More interesting: static tables, usually lookup or reference code tables. Instead, load it up in a package variable! Very simple example: thisuser.*
Data Caching with PL/SQL Collections
Data retrieved from cache First access Pass Data to Cache Data returned to application Database / SGA Application Function PGA Not in cache; Request data from database Application Requests Data Subsequent accesses Data retrieved from cache Data returned to application Database / SGA Data found in cache. Database is not needed. Application Function PGA Application Requests Data emplu.pkg emplu.tst
PGA Caching: Things to keep in mind
Must use package-level data so that it persists. Memory is consumed by the PGA and so is multiplied for all users of the application. Cache cannot be shared across sessions practically speaking. Very difficult to update the cache once the data source is changed. Especially by other sessions. Useful under specific scenarios.... Small, static dataset or running batch process syscache.pkg
The Oracle 11g Function Result Cache
Oracle offers a far superior caching solution in 11g: the Function Result Cache. This cache is... stored in the SGA shared across sessions purged of dirty data automatically You can use and should use it to retrieve data from any table that is queried more frequently than updated.
How the Function Result Cache Works
Add the RESULT_CACHE clause to your function's header. When a call is made to function, Oracle compares IN argument values to the cache. If no match, the function is executed and the inputs and return data are cached. If a match is found, the function is not executed; cached data is returned. If changes to a "relies on" table are committed, the cache is marked invalid and will be re-built.
Function Result Cache Example
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emplu11g IS FUNCTION onerow (employee_id_in IN employees.employee_id%TYPE) RETURN employees%ROWTYPE RESULT_CACHE; END emplu11g; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY emplu11g RESULT_CACHE RELIES_ON (employees) onerow_rec employees%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO onerow_rec FROM employees WHERE employee_id = employee_id_in; RETURN onerow_rec; END onerow; The specification must indicate you are using a result cache. The body specifies the "relies on" dependencies, if any. 11g_emplu*.*
Result Cache – Things to Keep in Mind - 1
If you have uncommitted changes in your session, dependent caches are ignored. The cache will not override your own changed data. Caching is not performed for complex types: records with CLOBs, collections, etc. The cache is not related to SQL statements in your function. It only keeps track of the input values and the RETURN clause data. 11g_frc_demo.sql
Result Cache – Things to Keep in Mind - 2
You cannot use the result cache with invoker rights program units. Bypass execution of function body, Oracle cannot resolve references to objects - the whole point of IR. Functions with session-specific dependencies must be "result-cached" with great care. Virtual private database configurations References to SYSDATE, reliance on NLS_DATE_FORMAT, time zone changes Application contexts Solution: move all dependencies into parameter list. 11g_frc_vpd.sql 11g_frc_vpd2.sql
Tuning the Result Cache
Oracle offers a number of ways to manage the result cache and tune it to your specific application needs: RESULT_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter DBMS_RESULT_CACHE management package v$RESULT_CACHE_* performance views
Deterministic Functions (caching in all versions of Oracle)
Deterministic: the function's return value is determined completely by its inputs. Same inputs, same return value. No side effects (SQL, for example). Function-based indexes are based on deterministic functions. Results of deterministic functions called within a SQL statement will be cached. Pass in the same inputs, and Oracle will not execute the function. show_deterministc.sql deterministc.sql
Look for opportunities to cache!
Whether you are on 9i, 10g or 11g, you should always look for opportunities to cache. Are there tables that are always static during user sessions? Are there tables that are queried much more frequently than they are changed? Apply the most appropriate technique, but don't leave the users waiting...
Specialized performance enhancements
There are a whole range of techniques for improving PL/SQL execution that will likely only help you in more "extreme" circumstances. The NOCOPY hint Take advantage of pipelined table functions
The NOCOPY hint By default, Oracle passes all OUT and IN OUT arguments by value, not reference. This means that OUT and IN OUT arguments always involve some copying of data. All IN arguments are always passed by reference (no copying). With NOCOPY, you turn off the copy process. But it comes with a risk: Oracle will not automatically "rollback" or reverse changes made to your variables if the NOCOPY-ed program raises an exception. nocopy*.* string_nocopy.*
Pipelined table functions
A table function is a function that you can call in the FROM clause of a query, and have it be treated as if it were a relational table. Table functions allow you to perform arbitrarily complex transformations of data and then make that data available through a query: "just" rows and columns! Not everything can be done in SQL. Combined with cursor variables, you can now more easily transfer data from within PL/SQL to host environments. Java, for example, can fetch natively from a cursor variable.
Building a table function
A table function must return a nested table or varray based on a schema-defined type. Types defined in a PL/SQL package can only be used with pipelined table functions. The function header and the way it is called must be SQL-compatible: all parameters use SQL types; no named notation. In some cases (streaming and pipelined functions), the IN parameter must be a cursor variable -- a query result set.
Streaming data with table functions
You can use table functions to "stream" data through several stages within a single SQL statement. Example: transform one row in the stocktable to two rows in the tickertable. CREATE TABLE stocktable ( ticker VARCHAR2(20), trade_date DATE, open_price NUMBER, close_price NUMBER ) CREATE TABLE tickertable ( pricedate DATE, pricetype VARCHAR2(1), price NUMBER tabfunc_streaming.sql
Use pipelined functions to enhance performance.
CREATE FUNCTION StockPivot (p refcur_pkg.refcur_t) RETURN TickerTypeSet PIPELINED Pipelined functions allow you to return data iteratively, asynchronous to termination of the function. As data is produced within the function, it is passed back to the calling process/query. Pipelined functions can only be called within a SQL statement. They make no sense within non-multi-threaded PL/SQL blocks.
Applications for pipelined functions
Execution functions in parallel. In Oracle9i Database Release 2 and above, use the PARALLEL_ENABLE clause to allow your pipelined function to participate fully in a parallelized query. Critical in data warehouse applications. Improve speed of delivery of data to user interfaces. Use a pipelined function to "serve up" data to the webpage and allow users to begin viewing and browsing, even before the function has finished retrieving all of the data. And pipelined functions use less PGA memory than non-pipelined functions!
Piping rows out from a pipelined function
CREATE FUNCTION stockpivot (p refcur_pkg.refcur_t) RETURN tickertypeset PIPELINED IS out_rec tickertype := tickertype (NULL, NULL, NULL); in_rec p%ROWTYPE; BEGIN LOOP FETCH p INTO in_rec; EXIT WHEN p%NOTFOUND; out_rec.ticker := in_rec.ticker; out_rec.pricetype := 'O'; out_rec.price := in_rec.openprice; PIPE ROW (out_rec); END LOOP; CLOSE p; RETURN; END; Add PIPELINED keyword to header Pipe a row of data back to calling block or query RETURN...nothing at all! tabfunc_setup.sql tabfunc_pipelined.sql
Enabling Parallel Execution
You can use pipelined functions with the Parallel Query option to avoid serialization of table function execution. Include the PARALLEL_ENABLE hint in the program header. Choose a partition option that specifies how the function's execution should be partitioned. "ANY" means that the results are independent of the order in which the function receives the input rows (through the REF CURSOR). {[ORDER | CLUSTER] BY column_list} PARALLEL_ENABLE ({PARTITION p BY [ANY | (HASH | RANGE) column_list]} )
Table functions - Summary
Table functions offer significant new flexibility for PL/SQL developers. Pipelined table functions add performance on top of that flexibility. Consider using them when you... Need to pass back complex result sets of data through the SQL layer (a query); Want to call a user defined function inside a query and execute it as part of a parallel query.
High Performance PL/SQL – a summary
Make sure you take advantage of the most important optimization features: BULK COLLECT and FORALL Cached data Prioritize maintainability of code over obsessively optimized code. Then identify bottlenecks and apply the more specialized optimization techniques.
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