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Reporting Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting Tool

2 Reporting Tool The tool is a based on the ‘Reporting format’. It is being designed in conjunction with the EEA The reporting tool will be… A desktop application Based on Access versions 2003, 2007 & 2010 Contains all reference material in built (look up tables) There will be a series of tables With a ‘mask’ for entering the data National data coordinators will have extra ‘permissions’

3 Reporting Tool The reporting tool will allow
Edit data (format, checklists) Store data Import data Merge datasets from different reporters Validate the data (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) Export data

4 Dataflow – national level

5 Dataflow

6 Reporting Tool Lookup tables

7 Mouse over for information Dropdown of Permitted values

8 Style the same as the ‘Reporting format’ document

9 Validation (QA/QC) Can run on the sub Form

10 Validation (QA/QC) Can run on the sub Form Or Report level

11 Reporting Tool The National Coordinator can manage the data from several reporters by… editing, deleting, copying or comparing duplicate records

12 Reporting Tool

13 Reporting Tool XML

14 Reporting Tool Delivery of Art. 12 data in December 2013.

15 Reporting Tool The reporting tool will be ready for beta testing on Thursday the 1st of December The final version of the tool will be available at the start of March 2012 There will be a training workshop at the start of March on the Reporting Tools, it is planned to have one day for the Article 17 tool [Habitats and Species] and another day for the Article 12 Tool [Birds]

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