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Starter of the day Retrieve everything from your hanging file except you disclosure statement. What is your grade in this class? Are you missing anything.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter of the day Retrieve everything from your hanging file except you disclosure statement. What is your grade in this class? Are you missing anything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter of the day Retrieve everything from your hanging file except you disclosure statement. What is your grade in this class? Are you missing anything that you have in your folder or thought you turned in? Do you have your poem done? Do you have your rough draft done? Once done get right to work on anything you are missing or get to work on your final contour line project.

2 Contour line & Poetry Final Piece
Art B Day 4 Contour line & Poetry Final Piece

3 Agenda Go over what we did last time
Demonstration on how to paint your piece. Sign up for those who would like to use the airbrush Sign up for those who would like to use spray paint Sign up for those who would like to use acrylic paint. Studio time to work on your project.

4 Last time We went over the process of making an ode poem.
Than each student wrote their own ode poem. Each person than drew their own rough draft of the contour line image they plan on doing for their final. Some of the students got done early and began their final.

5 Procedures for whole group instruction
Conversation – voice level 0 Help – raise hand and wait quietly Activity – teacher directed instruction Movement – remain in your seat at all times Participation – active listening, taking notes, share, and respond when asked to. Success

6 Electronic device signal
During this time electronic Devices are prohibited. This means cell phones should be put away Headphones should be out and down (not even around you neck). Eyes should be on the teacher not looking down unless to take a note about something.

7 Steps to using and cleaning the airbrush
How to Use an Airbrush Steps to using and cleaning the airbrush

8 The Airbrush

9 The Airbrush

10 Mixing Paint Paint is mixed with water
The ratio is 3 drops of water to 1 drop of paint.

11 Mixing Paint Bubble the paint in the color cup.
Put your finger over the air cap to avoid any air from escaping. Press down trigger and pull back slightly till you see bubbles in the paint cup. This will mix the paint.

12 Painting Hold the airbrush between the thumb and pointer finger.

13 Painting Push down the trigger and pull back to release the paint.
The closer the airbrush is to the paper the thinner the line will be and the darker your line will be. Paint even thin layers, keeping the airbrush the same distance from the paper the entire time.

14 Cleaning the Airbrush Run water through airbrush till spray runs clean. Use Q tip to clean paint from inside of paint cup.

15 Cleaning the Airbrush Cleaning the air cap
Pull back the trigger so the needle is pulled back. Using a Q tip, clean the inside of the air cap. There should be no paint anywhere on the airbrush once it is clean.


17 What’s Next Now that you know how to use the airbrush it’s time to use it. Once your contour line drawing is completely taped, tape down your paper to the board in the back. Turn on the air vent. Paint your paper. Clean the airbrush.

18 How to use spray paint Apply the spray paint. As with the primer, shake well before using. Apply one slow, even coat over the entirety of your project. It will likely be splotchy and show the original color through the paint, but this problem will be rectified with a second coat of paint. Test the spray paint on an old board or piece of newspaper to make sure there is no blockage in the nozzle that might prevent an even coating. Hold the can of paint about 8 inches away from your object, and move it back and forward slowly at a rate of about one foot per second. Don’t apply a heavy coat, as this increases the likelihood for dripping and will be tacky longer which makes it more likely to get smudged. Instead, apply multiple thin coats of paint.

19 How to use acrylic paint
Use a sponge brush Apply the acrylic paint and dab at your image. Clean brush with warm water and dry with a paper towel.

20 Studio Time Draw lightly in pencil your contour line drawing.
Cut tape neatly and place it on all of the lines. Paint your paper with either air brush paint, spray paint, or acrylic paint. Once dry peal off the tape to reveal the negative space created by the tape. Erase your lines and put your poem into the negative space.

21 Ticket out of class Check point 1 Turn in your work, it should be drawn out and at least half way taped today

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