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Welcome! Hedges.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Hedges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Hedges

2 The Third Grade Team Hedges Mrs. Arnwine, Dr. McMichael, Mrs. Byrnes, Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Street, Mrs. Hedges, Mrs. Smith, & Miss Banaszewski

3 Agenda Classroom Expectations Seven Habits Team Teaching
Grading in 3rd Grade Homework Policy Snack and Lunch Chromebooks Communication Conferences Volunteers Contact Information Hedges

4 Classroom Expectations
Students arrive promptly and begin morning work Students are to stay on task and not disrupt the learning process for others Students are responsible for their own behavior and are expected to follow the school and class rules * Students will copy their homework in their agenda and hand in completed work in a timely manner * Students need to be prepared, independent, and ready to learn Brooke

5 Our Class Expectations
The students will help create our list of class expectations. At CCE, it is our top priority to create a happy, safe learning environment. Each day, we will have a Morning Meeting, and we will greet each other and talk about what behaviors create a caring, positive learning community! Our School Mission Statement is “Find the Leader in Each Colt in Some Way EVERY Day.” Brooke

6 Behavior Management Plan
Class Morning Meetings PBIS (Recognizing Positive Behavior) 7 Habits: We are a Lighthouse Leadership School, working with Franklin Covey to incorporate the 7 Habits of Happy Kids into our lives Think Sheets (hopefully not many of these!) Parent communication when necessary for both good reports and when we need to work on something Brooke

7 7 Habits Habit 1 – Be Proactive You’re in Charge of You
Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind Have a Plan Habit 3 – Put First Things First Work First, Then Play Habit 4 – Think Win-Win Everyone Can Win Jodi

8 7 Habits Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
Listen Before You Talk Habit 6– Synergize Together is Better Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw Balance Feels Best Jodi

9 3rd Grade Team & Teaching
The third grade team plans together on a weekly basis We will give common pre- and post assessments This helps us monitor which skills students have mastered and which skills we may need to reteach Please check the third grade webpage often! Study Guides Course Syllabi Teacher Home Pages Lauran

10 Grading in 3rd Grade Teachers will use the following grading scale for student work: Progress Indicators 4 = Exceeds Standard 3 = Meets Standard 2 = Progressing Towards Standard 1= Below Standard ● = Denotes knowledge or skill not assessed at this time On the report card, you will see averaged letter grades. A – Outstanding B – Very Good C – Satisfactory D – Needs Improvement F – Not performing As teachers, we do not focus on letter grades. We care if the student is meeting the standards! Lauran

11 Grading Example Partial Topic Statement 4: Exceeds Standard 3:
Meets Standard 2: Progressing Towards Standard 1: Below the Standard Edits writing for punctuation All of the sentences have correct punctuation Many of the sentences have correct punctuation Some of the sentences have correct Few or none of the sentences have correct punctuation Lauran

12 Homework Students may receive approximately 30 minutes of homework every night. They will always have 20 minutes of reading, then possibly a math or word study assignment. We will also have a few projects throughout the year. Homework will be written in student agendas each week. Parental supervision of agenda is strongly encouraged. According to LCPS policy, homework will not be graded, but should reflect a high level of quality and effort. Students will need to have access to the internet for Dreambox and other programs. Please contact your child’s teacher if this is not possible. Charmaine

13 Third Grade Snack Notes
If you choose to send in a snack, please do not send peanut/tree nut products or candy. We try to keep our classrooms as free from nuts as we can. Peanut butter and Nutella ARE allowed in the cafeteria! Please try to send in healthy snacks! Some ideas: fruit, veggies, yogurt, or cheese. Try to avoid messy or complicated snacks. We only have about 5 minutes or so for snack. We do not have spoons or forks in our classroom. Water bottles are allowed in our classrooms, but please check for leaks! LCPS does not permit parents to bring in food treats to celebrate student birthdays. You may send in other “treats” such as pencils, stickers, bookmarks, etc. Charmaine

14 Lunch Accounts Please consider sending in at least $5.00 for your child’s lunch account just in case of an emergency. Our cafeteria staff is not permitted to let students charge their lunch or let accounts have negative balances. Lunch costs $3.05 and includes an entree (vegetarian options are always available), two servings of vegetables, one serving of fruit, and milk. You can log into to see your child's cafeteria account balance and purchases. If you do create an emergency lunch account, please make sure your child knows that it exists and what he or she is allowed to purchase to eat.  Charmaine

15 Chromebooks We are one of the first schools in Loudoun County to get 1:1 Chromebooks for the students. This is a learning year for us teachers as well, so please be patient as we figure out how to best teach the students about how to utilize these devices appropriately and effectively. We are looking forward to expanding what we can do in our classrooms this year, including shifting more towards Google Classroom assignments and Digital Citizenship! Mindy

16 Chromebooks (continued)
Parent Chromebook Handbook: You need to review the guidelines written in the handbook. This contains important information about the care and use of your student’s assigned Chromebook. The permission form to bring the devices home will be coming home tomorrow. Only sign and return the form if you will allow your student to bring home the Chromebook. Mindy

17 Communication Weekly Email (or bi-weekly) Class Website
This is usually sent on Monday or Tuesday with information for the upcoming week. We will send these through Phoenix, so make sure your addresses are up-to-date! Class Website Go to the Creighton’s Corner Website → Classrooms → 3rd Grade First Quarter Conferences Sign-ups will be on We will send the link via when it is active. 3rd Grade Twitter Account ParentVUE Update personal information and see copies of s sent by the teacher. Lydia

18 Student-Led Conferences
As part of Leader in Me, CCE has student-led conferences again this year. So when you choose a conference time, make sure it’s a time when your student can attend the conference with you. Through these conferences, our 3rd Graders demonstrate ownership of and pride in their learning. This gives the students an opportunity to speak about their accomplishments and challenges with people who can support them. Lydia

19 Volunteers We are always looking for volunteers to help out in third grade! There are many different opportunities–both big and small. Some of our volunteer opportunities include being room parents, going on field trips, making copies, running Continental Math, practicing math fact fluency, practicing reading fluency, and more. Your child’s teacher will be sending out a sign-up soon on asking for volunteers for specific needs! Please consider donating your time! Banaszewski

If your child has a change of dismissal, please DO NOT SEND IT VIA . All change of dismissals must be sent via written note in the morning or called in to the secretaries before 1PM. Our goal is to make sure your child gets home safely! Teachers do not always check their s during the day, and our secretaries can receive hundreds of s–it’s easy to miss a time-sensitive until it’s too late! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!! Banaszewski

21 Contact Information Please feel free to contact us via: Phone (703) Notes sent in with your child in the homework folder s (the best way to contact us) Will try to respond within 24 to 48 hours Do not confidential info No s about grades No s about behavior Please see the CCE website for our addresses! Banaszewski

22 Thank you for your support at home!
Parents: we are a team!! If you have any questions about how we can synergize to help better prepare your child for a great third grade year of learning, please your child’s teacher. We will respond as quickly as we can. Thank you for coming! Have a great night! Banaszewski

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