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Bell High School Grade 9 – 12 Gifted Program

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1 Bell High School Grade 9 – 12 Gifted Program

2 Bell’s Gifted Specialized Program
Admission Requirements: current assessment results that support a Gifted determination (CCAT7, Psych-ED, etc…) within 2 years, 11 months Gifted Referral Form Submissions are reviewed by the Gifted Committee beginning January 15th for the following September

3 Q Are gifted classes harder than non gifted classes?
Gifted courses have the SAME curriculum expectations as non-gifted academic courses. The difference lies with the fact that a gifted class can only be populated with gifted students and the delivery of curriculum is accelerated, compacted, and/or enriched as needed. Students in both classes will write the same or very similar formal assessments and exams.  

4 Q Do students need to take all their courses in gifted?
Gifted students will be expected to complete all of their compulsory academic courses at the Gifted level: English for 4 years (ENG1DG, ENG2DG, ENG3UG, ENG4UG) Math for 3 years (MPM1DG, MPM2DG, MCR3UG) Science for grades 9 and 10 (SNC1DG/I and SNC2DG/I) Grade 10 History (CHC2DG/I) Grade 9 Geography (CGC1DG/I)  

5 Q How will my child be accommodated if he/she has an additional exceptionality?
Our Learning Support Teachers will work collaboratively with the student and teachers to ensure that appropriate accommodations are in place in the IEP and are supported in the classroom. It is our practice at Bell to list the second exceptionality first on the Determination Record - this ensures that the additional learning needs are a priority.   Students are expected to manage the curriculum expectations of the gifted program, while receiving the necessary accommodations for the other exceptionality.

6 Q If my child chooses a non-compulsory course at the Gifted level, can they change to the non-Gifted class later in the semester? Students who request a seat in a non-compulsory Gifted course (example grade 11 Gifted Biology SBI3UG) will be required to stay. When students complete the next year’s Course Contract in February, there is a pop up that explains this and double checks that the student/parent understands this policy. If you have questions, please speak to your child’s Guidance Counselor.

7 Q & A

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