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Read-Around Review: aud, son, phon

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Presentation on theme: "Read-Around Review: aud, son, phon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read-Around Review: aud, son, phon
sound, to hear

2 What are the roots that mean sound or to hear?

3 the roots aud, son, and phon

4 What is the word that names the method used by submarines to maneuver within the ocean by using sound waves?

5 sonar ecolocation; a system using transmitted and reflected underwater sound waves to detect and locate submerged objects Sonar Video

6 What is the word that identifies a type of poetry in which the lines sound like specific rhyming styles?

7 sonnet a poem with 14 lines that usually sounds likes one of several conventional rhyme schemes Sonnet Video

8 What is the word that describes a loud and often disturbing sound.

9 cacophony harsh sounds; noisy or disturbing sounds Cacophony Video

10 What is the word that names how a group of people sound when they are all singing together as if they were one person?

11 unison words or music produced by more than one person that sounds as if from one voice

12 What is the word that identifies the device that reproduce sound (also known as a record player)?

13 phonograph a record player; a machine that reproduces sound

14 What is the word that describes the sound portion of a television program or movie?

15 audio the sound portion of a broadcast

16 What is the word that describes something that is within your range of hearing?

17 audible able to be heard

18 What is the word that names the room where people go to see a performance, such as the play Peter and the Wolf?

19 auditorium a large room that accommodates an audience, often for meetings or performances

20 What is the word that identifies a string of words that use similar sounds?

21 assonance the repetition of similar vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of success words

22 What is the word that means to vibrate or repeat a sound, often in a harmonious way?

23 resonate to vibrate or repeat in sound; to correspond harmoniously

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