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Presentation on theme: "雲端計算."— Presentation transcript:

1 雲端計算

2 Tensorflow Python 3.5 file

3 Tensorflow


5 Load the necessary libraries and import data
from __future__ import print_function import math from IPython import display from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib import gridspec from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import metrics import tensorflow as tf from import Dataset tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.ERROR) pd.options.display.max_rows = 10 pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.1f}'.format california_housing_dataframe = pd.read_csv("california_housing_train.csv", sep=",") california_housing_dataframe = california_housing_dataframe.reindex( np.random.permutation(california_housing_dataframe.index))

6 Prepares input features from data set
def preprocess_features(california_housing_dataframe): selected_features = california_housing_dataframe[ [“latitude”, “longitude”, “housing_median_age”, "total_rooms", “total_bedrooms”, “population”, “households”, "median_income"]] processed_features = selected_features.copy() # Create a synthetic feature. processed_features["rooms_per_person"] = ( california_housing_dataframe["total_rooms"] / california_housing_dataframe["population"]) return processed_features 複製selected features 加入新的feature

7 Prepares target features (labels) from data set
def preprocess_targets(california_housing_dataframe): output_targets = pd.DataFrame() # Scale the target to be in units of thousands of dollars. output_targets["median_house_value"] = ( california_housing_dataframe["median_house_value"] / ) return output_targets 建立空的 Daraframe 定義target feature

8 Training set Choose the first examples, out of the total of training_examples = preprocess_features(california_housing_dataframe.head(12000)) print(training_examples.describe()) 把前12000筆資料當作training set

9 Training targets (Label)
Choose the first examples, out of the total of training_targets = preprocess_targets(california_housing_dataframe.head(12000)) print(training_targets.describe())

10  Validation set Choose the last 5000 examples, out of the total of validation_examples = preprocess_features(california_housing_dataframe.tail(5000)) print(validation_examples.describe()) 把最後5000筆資料當作Validation set

11  Validation target Choose the last 5000 examples, out of the total of validation_targets = preprocess_targets(california_housing_dataframe.tail(5000)) print(validation_targets.describe())

12 Construct the tensorflow feature columns
def construct_feature_columns(input_features): """Construct the TensorFlow Feature Columns. Args: input_features: The names of the numerical input features to use. Returns: A set of feature columns """ return set([tf.feature_column.numeric_column(my_feature) for my_feature in input_features]) Name of numerical input features set():建立一個無序不重複元素的集合

13 Define input function def my_input_fn(features, targets, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_epochs=None): # Convert pandas data into a dict of np arrays. features = {key:np.array(value) for key,value in dict(features).items()} # Construct a dataset, and configure batching/repeating. ds = Dataset.from_tensor_slices((features,targets)) # warning: 2GB limit ds = ds.batch(batch_size).repeat(num_epochs) # Shuffle the data, if specified. if shuffle: ds = ds.shuffle(10000) # Return the next batch of data. features, labels = ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() return features, labels

14 Train model with FTRL Optimization

15 Bucketized (Binned) features
Bucketize population into 3 buckets bucket_0 (< 5000): corresponding to less populated blocks bucket_1 ( ): corresponding to mid populated blocks bucket_2 (> 25000): corresponding to highly populated blocks Population vector: [[10001], [42004], [2500], [18000]] Bucketized feature vector: [[1], [2], [0], [1]]

16 Defines bucketized feature columns
Bucketized_column takes a numeric column as input and transforms it to a bucketized feature Calculates boundaries based on quantiles

17 Train the model on bucketized feature columns

18 Train the model using feature crosses

19 Train the model using feature crosses

20 Python 3.5 file

21 Write file

22 Read file

23 Read file

24 驗收 建立test.txt,寫入資料 再將test.txt加入一行新的字串

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