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Reflective Presentation

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1 Reflective Presentation

2 Description This final presentation is designed to be a summation and reflection of your experience so far in life. Consider who you have become/are becoming Who has influenced that process What critical events and decisions have influenced you

3 Brainstorming Consider how you present yourself. How do the sum of your experiences add up to what others see? Since very little is truly expressed in appearances and basic interactions, we’re looking at how to do this effectively in a limited format.

4 Introductory Haiku Your task:
Write a descriptive haiku of who you are. Capture your essential character and identity as best you can using just 17 syllables. This task should be both challenging and thought provoking as it limits what you chose to include. Make every syllable count!

5 Then… Write a brief paragraph or two explaining the thought behind your word choices. Why did you chose to present yourself that way? Does it do justice to your whole identity or just a part of it? How does it capture your past? What might it be leaving out?

6 The Boy and the Butterfly
A story of Struggle We all encounter and handle struggles differently. Often times we feel struggle is something to be avoided, despite its inevitable influence in our lives. Consider some of your struggles through life so far. This may be motivation, attitude, responsibility, relationships, perspective, grief, forgiveness, self-image, identity, direction, etc. Choose three struggles you’ve had and write about how they’ve affected you.

7 For Today For those here by request…
Today is a catch up day. That means covering the bases of missed/incomplete work or simply getting on track with your current reading. If you are unsure what to tackle, ask me. This includes those that were not requested but still missing work. When you’ve finished up any missing work, you may read quietly.

8 If you’re all caught up:
If you are all caught up, you may do one of three things: Read silently/prep for your presentation Check in and “get work done in the library” Do the following extra credit assignment:

9 Extra Credit Go to Bartleby or Poem Hunter and search for a poem that provides insight on your novel. Analyze the poem for content, poetic devices, and theme. Then, in a single, well written paragraph, relate the poem’s content and theme to your novel. Be sure to cite specific examples from both the novel and the poem to support your point. 10 pts daily work category or 5 pts essay or test category (indicate on your paper)

10 World Views A world view is the lens through which you interpret meaning and purpose in the world. It generally explains how you feel the world works and why life exists (philosophy) It should also explain the way you act and move in the world. There are a variety of world view categories you might fall into, and it is entirely possible you hold more than one.

11 World Views Non-religious (atheist or agnostic) Naturalist Rationalist
Humanist Evolutionary Religious Spiritualist (non-theistic – Buddhism) Theistic (mono, poly, pan) What about science?

12 Benchmarks of Paradigm
Consider moments of time in your life when you came to a realization about yourself, friendships, relationships, the world, your family, human nature, learning, etc. that has shaped your world view. Create a timeline of at least 6-8 of these events. They should be significant epiphany

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