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The Analysis of Fire Test for the High Pressure Composite Cylinder

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1 The Analysis of Fire Test for the High Pressure Composite Cylinder
사례1) EOCS Chang Jong, Kim Seung Hoon, Lee Young Gyu, Kim KOREA GAS SAFETY COPORATION 1

2 Contents INTRODUCTION - Standard and Regulation of the Fire Test
EXPERIMENTS - Procedures of the Fire Test / Results CONCLUSIONS - Discussion & Opinion


KGS Institute of Gas Safety R&D Project Establishing the Foundation of Overall Tests for High Pressure Cylinders and Components High pressure Cylinder Part Component Part 2010 : preliminary fire test 2011 : localized fire test Today’s topic

5 Topic Korean Hydrogen cylinder regulation for hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle will be legislated in November 2011. Currently, researches for rule-making related testing procedures and safety confirmation is underway. Trend research and analysis of related standards such as UN ECE R 79, ISO/DS 15869, ECE GTR draft etc. Safety confirmation of cylinder explosion occurred by local fire is at issue(is important). The pool/local fire tests have different results depending on cylinder type. 1st test(completed) : pool fire test by cylinder type. 2nd test(scheduled) : local fire test by cylinder type(October-December 2011). Korean hydrogen cylinder regulation which reflects the test result will be legislated.

6 High pressure gas storage system
Structure of the Fueling System STATION Under 1bar 10bar High pressure gas storage system

7 Safety of the High-pressure Composite Cylinder
How can we insure safety against fire?

8 Development Trend of International Standard

9 Standard and Regulation of the Fire Test (1)
ISO/DIS 15869: 2008 SAE J2579:2008 UN ECE R-79 Procedure Cylinder filled to WP ; equipped completely ; 100mm above fire source of 1.65m;PRD/valves/fittings Shielded shielded Cylinder filled to NWP ;filled with H2 or gas with higher thermal pressure build up ; equipped completely ; 100mm above fire source of 1.65m ; PRD/valves/fittings shielded Requirements of monitoring Arrangement of fire ; surface temperature sat at least 3 locations (less 0.75m distance) ; pressure ; max. pressure ; time to venting start and time of evacuation to 10bar Surface temperatures (of at least 3 locations) ; temperature recording intervals<10sec ; time span from of ignition to initiation ; max. pressure ; release time to 10 bar for approval Fire : 590°C within 5min. after ignition ; cylinder : gas release through PRD without rupture Fire : 590°C within 5min. after ignition ; min temperature 590°C Results (approval/rejection or other measures to be taken) Approval by sufficient fire and gas release only through PRD without burst. Cylinders with thermal insulation must endure 20 min. bonfire without burst. PRD demounted (2samples) Approval by sufficient fire and gas release only through PRD without burst. Success or Failure after ignition, the temperature must be over 590 degrees centigrade within 5 minutes gas must be released only through PRDs without burst

10 Types of the Composite Cylinder
Materials 34CrMo4 Steel Glass fiber epoxy AA 6061 T6 Carbon fiber epoxy HDPE Weight 100% 80% 50% 45% Technology normal high Pictures

11 Pool Fire Test [Germany]
video file : Dynetek LTD. Germany

12 Standard and Regulation of the Fire Test (2)
CGA C14 ` SAE J2579 ISO/DIS 15869 UN ECE R-79 [fire test standard of the metal cylinder] ▶ Those standards and regulations were developed base on CGA C14. ▶ They do not include properties of the composite cylinder. [ex] thermal conductivity <metal cylinder> <composite cylinder> TPRD heat TPRD heat Fire Fire

13 localized fire 5 min.(at 600℃) & Full fire (at 800℃)
Advanced Fire test standard by UN ECE WG29 Condition & Form Purpose TPRD (solenoid valve) Fire In case of the high pressure hydrogen storage system for FCV, there is the possiblity of burst when fire occur locally(opposite TPRD) With considering about local fire, UN ECE WG29 has developed the advanced Fire-test method for FCV Concept : apply strong fire at the limited part of container (temperature should be 800℃ within 10 min.) Fire-test should be independent of external wind Localized fire 5 min.(at 600℃) / Full fire (at 800℃) Under “2)”condition, confirm whether a PRD works or not localized fire 5 min.(at 600℃) & Full fire (at 800℃)

14 [Preliminary Fire Test ]
EXPERIMENTS [Preliminary Fire Test ]

15 Concept of the Fire Test
Windbreak CNG cylinder Vent line test location : The mouth of Mankyung river in KIMJE, Korea. test date : Oct. 11~ (2 weeks) test cylindes : TypeⅡ cylinder 2EA, TypeⅢ cylinder 2EA, TypeⅣ cylinder 2EA fire source : gasoline + kerosene test regulation : ISO 15869, ANSI/NGV TC sensors : located along the bottom of the cylinder 5EA, on cylinder 1EA, on valve 1EA pressure sensor : 1EA

16 Preparing Fire Test 50 cm ground was dug to about 50 centimeters
Windbreak 50 cm ground was dug to about 50 centimeters emergency vent line was installed windbreak was installed TC 5EA [bottom part] TC 1EA [valve] TC 1EA [top part] Vent Line Valve, PRD protector

17 Procedures of the Fire Test (1)
◆ Measurement DAQ(National Instrument) & Labview program ◆ Scene of test [TypeⅡ] [TypeⅢ] [TypeⅣ]

18 Procedures of the Fire Test (2)
◆ Fire Test Video VIDEO

19 Fire-test results of cylinder (TypeⅡ)
Time to 10 bar (after ventilation) : 230 sec Time to 590 oC (Flame temp) : 26 sec PRD starting point : 76 sec

20 Fire-test results of cylinder (TypeⅢ)
Time to 10 bar (after ventilation) : 192 sec Time to 590 oC (Flame temp) : 80 sec PRD starting point : 100 sec

21 Fire-test results of cylinder (TypeⅣ)
Time to 10 bar (after ventilation) : 225 sec Time to 590oC (Flame temp) : 58 sec PRD starting point : 131 sec

22 [TypeⅡ] [TypeⅢ] [TypeⅣ]
Fire-test results of cylinder (TypeⅡ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ) [TypeⅡ] [TypeⅢ] [TypeⅣ] TypeⅡ & TypeⅢ cylinder : the upward tendency of pressure TypeⅣ : no change In short, change of pressure inner cylinders depend on amount of heat conduction because materials of liner are different.

23 Summary of Fire Test Results
Type Ⅱ Type Ⅲ Type Ⅳ comparative analysis Time to 10bar (sec) 230 192 225 Depend on cylinder volume & PRD capacity Time to 590oC (sec) 43 80 58 Need advanced study PRD starting point (sec) 76 100 131 Depend on liner material Change of pressure (bar) 5 9.2 1.6 The PRD venting time TypeⅡ TypeⅢ TypeⅣ Longer Longer Change of pressure (bar) TypeⅡ : small change  PRD venting time is the shortest TypeⅢ > Type Ⅳ  difference of Heat delivery


25 Summary composite cylinder
The present regulation and standard of fire test for the composite cylinder no consideration about various types[materials] of cylinder no method to confirm safety of the composite cylinder against localized fire The advanced regulation and standard of fire test for the composite cylinder include properties of various types[materials] of cylinder add a test method to confirm safety of the composite cylinder against localized fire [EX] composite cylinder TPRD TPRD

26 KGS go ahead with a plan Safety confirmation of cylinder explosion occurred by local fire is important. The pool/local fire tests have different results depending on cylinder type. KGS will analysis continuously about trend research and analysis of related International standards. Continuously, researches for rule-making related testing procedures and safety confirmation is stepping up. 2nd test(scheduled) : local fire test by cylinder type(October-December 2011). Korean hydrogen cylinder regulation which reflects the test result will be legislated.

27 Plan of Localized Fire Test
Concept of fire test Vent line LPG line 350bar or 700bar Hydrogen Protective wall

28 Thank you!!

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