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Reform Movements Miscellaneous Manifest Destiny.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform Movements Miscellaneous Manifest Destiny."— Presentation transcript:




4 Reform Movements

5 Miscellaneous

6 Manifest Destiny

7 Causes of the Civil War

8 Slavery

9 Pot Luck

10 Causes of the Civil War Slavery Territorial Acquisition Reform Movements Market Revolution Manifest Destiny $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

11 What is abolition? Incorrect Correct

12 The call to outlaw slavery.
Back to Question Main Board

13 Who was the most radical white abolitionist who was also the editor of his own paper, The Liberator?
Incorrect Correct

14 William Lloyd Garrison
Back to Question Main Board

15 What was the temperance movement?
Incorrect Correct

16 The effort to prohibit the drinking of alcohol.
Back to Question Main Board

17 Who headed the first women’s rights convention at Seneca Falls, NY in 1848?
Incorrect Correct

18 Elizabeth Cady Stanton
& Lucretia Mott Back to Question Main Board

19 When & how did women receive the right to vote?
Incorrect Correct

20 Women received the right to vote in 1920 with the passing of the 19th Amendment.
Back to Question Main Board

21 What was the name of the communities based on a vision of the perfect society?
Incorrect Correct

22 Utopias Back to Question Main Board

23 Henry David Thoreau practiced “civil disobedience” during the Reform Movement and chose to go to jail instead of doing this… Incorrect Correct

24 Paying a tax to support the Mexican War
Back to Question Main Board

25 What was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?
Incorrect Correct

26 Required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves and return them to their owners
Back to Question Main Board

27 This document was written up at the Seneca Falls Convention, enhancing the Women’s Rights Movement
Incorrect Correct

28 Declaration of Sentiments
Back to Question Main Board

29 What is the major difference between the economy of the North and the economy of the South?
Incorrect Correct

30 North is based on manufacturing and industry; south is based on agriculture
Back to Question Main Board

31 What is manifest destiny?
Incorrect Correct

32 A term coined in 1845 that described America’s “right and duty” to expand to the shores of the Pacific. Back to Question Main Board

33 What was the name of the rough track of land that ran 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to the Willamette Valley of Oregon and was the longest of the pioneer trails used in America’s westward expansion? Incorrect Correct

34 The Oregon Trail Back to Question Main Board

35 From the Oregon Trail Webquest: Identify 3 issues travelers dealt with before beginning their journey Incorrect Correct

36 Overpacking, congestion, waiting, etc.
Back to Question Main Board

37 From the Oregon Trail Webquest: Name three hardships the emigrants dealt with during their trip west. Incorrect Correct

38 Terrain, environment, and disease
Back to Question Main Board

39 What was the name of the nation that formed after Texas gained independence from Mexico, which became the state of Texas late in 1845? Incorrect Correct

40 Republic of Texas Back to Question Main Board

41 In the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which state was admitted as a free state?
Incorrect Correct

42 Maine Back to Question Main Board

43 California was admitted as a free state.
Utah & New Mexico territories can decide about slavery. Texas and Mexico boundary dispute was resolved. Sale of slaves banned in D.C. Slavery itself may continue. Fugitive Slave Act required people in the free states to help capture and return slaves. These were all provisions of the _____________________________________. Incorrect Correct

44 Compromise of 1850 Back to Question Main Board

45 What is popular sovereignty?
Incorrect Correct

46 The right of residents of a territory to vote for or against slavery.
Back to Question Main Board

47 How did the act of popular sovereignty conflict with the Missouri Compromise?
Incorrect Correct

48 It disrupted sectional balance.
Back to Question Main Board

49 Name two economic causes of the Civil War?
Incorrect Correct

50 Any of the following two causes: Tariffs Slavery Control of Banks
Control of the Railroads Back to Question Main Board

51 the ____________________.
A network of abolitionists who secretly helped slaves reach freedom in the North or Canada was called the ____________________. Incorrect Correct

52 Underground Railroad Back to Question Main Board

53 Who led 21 men on a raid of Harper’s Ferry to seize a federal arsenal with the intent to start a slave uprising? Incorrect Correct

54 John Brown Back to Question Main Board

55 Why was slavery important to the southern states?
Incorrect Correct

56 It was important to their agricultural economy.
Back to Question Main Board

57 In the Underground Railroad code words and phrases, who was “Moses”?
Incorrect Correct

58 Harriet Tubman Back to Question Main Board

59 Incorrect Correct

60 Back to Question Main Board

61 Who emerged as the winner of the Election of 1860, even though he received less than half of the popular vote? Incorrect Correct

62 Abraham Lincoln Back to Question Main Board

63 Texas declared their independence from Mexico in 1836, Mexican troops took 12 days to defeat the Texans at what famous site, which later inspired the Texans for revenge and independence? Incorrect Correct

64 The Alamo or “Remember the Alamo” Back to Question Main Board

65 Mexico sold the small strip of land south of the Gila River to the U.S. for $10 million. Southerners wanted a railroad running throughout the south to California. What purchase fulfilled manifest destiny in 1853? Incorrect Correct

66 The Gadsden Purchase Back to Question Main Board

67 This area of land was acquired through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican-American War Incorrect Correct

68 Mexican Cession Back to Question Main Board

69 This territory was joint occupied by the U. S. and Britain. The U. S
This territory was joint occupied by the U.S. and Britain. The U.S. received full possession as a result of a treaty they signed with Britain in 1846. Incorrect Correct

70 Oregon Territory Back to Question Main Board

71 Causes of the Civil War

72 Final Jeopardy! What was the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford in 1857?

73 Final Jeopardy! The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because Congress could not forbid slavery in any part of the territories because doing so would violate owner’s rights to own property, a right protected by the 5th Amendment.

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