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Session 6 Security Standardization Challenges

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1 Session 6 Security Standardization Challenges
ITU Workshop on “ICT Security Standardization for Developing Countries” (Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014) Session 6 Security Standardization Challenges Chairman Herb Bertine Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

2 Security Standardization Challenges
Objectives To better understand the role of ICT security standardization A set of short presentations that highlight ICT security standardization efforts in 8 international and regional bodies To explore ICT security standardization challenges An open roundtable discussion on challenges including collaboration and meeting user needs, especially those from developing countries Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

3 Presenters Walter Fumy, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27
Kathleen Moriarty, IETF Security Area Charles Brookson, ETSI TC CYBER Frederic Gittler, Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Damir Rajnovic, FIRST Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, OASIS Koji Nakao, RAISE Forum Arkadiy Kremer, ITU-T Study Group 17 Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

4 Roundtable What do you see as the key challenges for ICT security standardization? What do you see as the benefits and challenges of cooperation and collaboration among standards setting organizations? How do you ensure standards you develop will meet the needs of users, especially those in developing countries? What is the SDO’s role in implementation of standards? Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

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