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CULTURAL JEOPARDY! World Religions Misc

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Presentation on theme: "CULTURAL JEOPARDY! World Religions Misc"— Presentation transcript:

1 CULTURAL JEOPARDY! World Religions Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200
Cultural Vocabulary World Religions Changing Cultures Cultural Elements Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 A scientist who studies culture is known as this.
100 Point Question A scientist who studies culture is known as this. Esmerelda

3 What is an anthropologist?
100 Point Answer What is an anthropologist? Oliver

4 200 Point Question The spread of English slang amongst several different language groups is an example of this. John Little

5 What is cultural diffusion?
200 Point Answer What is cultural diffusion?

6 300 Point Question These people share language,
customs, and a common heritage.

7 300 Answer What is an ethnic group?

8 400 Point Question A new idea, such as using cell phone apps to edit photos, that is introduced for the first time to people is known as this.

9 400 Point Answer What is an innovation?

10 500 Point Question The shared attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors of a group is known as this.

11 500 Point Answer What is a culture?

12 100 Point Question People who believe in Dharma, or “the teachings” practice this religion.

13 100 Point Answer Who are buddhists?

14 In this religion, followers read from the Bible.
200 Point Question In this religion, followers read from the Bible.

15 200 Point Answer What is Christianity?

16 300 Point Question The religion of an area might change, or a new religion might be introduced, when people from a new country do this.

17 300 Point Answer What is Immigrate?

18 400 Point Question One common way to classify religions of the world is to split them into these two categories.

19 400 Point Answer What is the belief in one God
(monotheistic), and the belief in many Gods (polytheistic)

20 The symbol below represents this religion.
500 Point Question The symbol below represents this religion.

21 500 Point Answer What is Islam?

22 100 Point Question The act of raising or tending plants to be of use to humans is known as this.

23 100 Point Answer What is domestication?

24 200 Point Question With domestication, workers could switch from doing manual labor (with their hands) to doing this.

25 200 Point Answer What is using animals for work (farming, etc.)

26 300 Point Question Because of domestication, this would likely happen to a settlement/population of people?

27 300 Point Answer What is it would become larger
/more densely populated in a Specific area?

28 400 Point Question A student in China going to see a Beyonce concert, then later eating dinner at McDonalds would be an example of this.

29 400 Point Answer What is cultural diffusion?

30 500 Point Question DAILY DOUBLE
Trade, immigration, invaders and technology would all cause this. DAILY DOUBLE

31 What is cultural diffusion?
DAILY DOUBLE ANSWER What is cultural diffusion?

32 100 Point Question Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam are the five major groups of this cultural element.

33 100 Point Answer What is religion?

34 200 Point Question I visit the mountains in Asheville every September with my family, which is an example of this element.

35 200 Point Answer What is a tradition?

36 300 Point Question I watch football, and I enjoy playing fetch with my dog, as part of this cultural element.

37 300 Point Answer What is recreation/ Entertainment?

38 400 Point Question Treating everyone with kindness, because my mother told me I should, is an example of me practicing this cultural element.

39 400 Point Answer What are values?

40 500 Point Question I wear Nike shoes and Reebok shorts every day, because that is part of my culture, in terms of this element.

41 500 Point Answer What is clothing?

42 100 Point Question Cultural changes have spread quickly throughout the world due to what can be learned from the internet, which is an example of this.

43 100 Point Answer What is technology?

44 200 Point Question Families might pass elements of this down from one
generation to the next.

45 200 Point Answer What is culture?

46 300 Point Question “Smart” technology in phones is a recent example
Of this, because now along with calling people, I can Text, use the internet, and download apps.

47 300 Point Answer What is an innovation?

48 400 Point Question U.S. culture has recently changed due to examples
of this, including the iPad, GPS navigation systems in cars, and smart phones.

49 400 Point Answer What is technology?

50 500 Point Question This cultural change happens when
one culture conquers or invades another.

51 500 Point Answer What is forced cultural change.

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