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“He is Risen!” 1 Corinthians 15:58
Colonel Harlan Sanders
Harlan’s business grew to a multi-billion dollar business. As a matter of fact, you prabably have eaten at it. It’s the place that had as its advertising buzz word – “Finger Lickin’ Good!” Colonel Harlan Sanders
Our text gives a summary as to why we in the Christian life must never give up. It gives a summary to the chapter that says why we must never resign our faith!...
Purpose: to examine in depth why the bodily resurrection of Jesus extends to us a hope that is unsurpassed
I The Surety of CHRIST’S Resurrection (vv 1-11)
Paul, under the inspiration of God speaks of Christ’s resurrection as fact/objective NOT opinion/intangible…
I The Surety of CHRIST’S Resurrection (vv 1-11)
A. Basic Facts of the Gospel (vv 1-4)
Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
I The Surety of CHRIST’S Resurrection (vv 1-11)
A. Basic Facts of the Gospel (vv 1-4) B. Witnesses of the Resurrection (vv 5-8)
Peter… the twelve… 500… James… apostles… Paul himself…
I The Surety of CHRIST’S Resurrection (vv 1-11)
A. Basic Facts of the Gospel (vv 1-4) B. Witnesses of the Resurrection (vv 5-8) C. Paul and Other Apostles’ Agreement (vv 9-11)
Though differing in their calling (some to the Jews and others to the Greeks), the apostles absolutely were in agreement on one key historical fact: HE IS RISEN!
II The Surety of OUR Resur- rection (vv 12-53)
A. If Christ be Not Raised (vv )
If Christ be not risen from the dead, we of all men are most to be pitied (self-deceived and deluded with a lie)…
II The Surety of OUR Resur- rection (vv 12-53)
A. If Christ be Not Raised (vv ) B. But Christ is Risen (vv 20-31)
By one man (Adam) came physical death… By one man (Christ) comes resurrection. Christ alone is the first fruits of those who have already physically died…
II The Surety of OUR Resur- rection (vv 12-53)
A. If Christ be Not Raised (vv ) B. But Christ is Risen (vv 20-33) C. Nature of Our Resurrected Body (vv 34-53
Philippians 3:21 “Who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.”
III RESULTS of These Two Sureties (vv 54-58)
A. A Claim to the Victory
He formed the plan… He executed the plan… He promised the plan…
III RESULTS of These Two Sureties (vv 54-58)
A. A Claim to the Victory B. A Task to Perform
No half-heartedness… No attitudes like how worldly can we be and still make it to heaven… No relaxing our the urgency of the hour…
III RESULTS of These Two Sureties (vv 54-58)
A. A Claim to the Victory B. A Task to Perform C. An Added Motive
2 Corinthians 2:14-16 “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life.”
Do you remember those commercials made years ago by Bill Russell
Do you remember those commercials made years ago by Bill Russell?... “I can’t miss!”
Church and secular history tell us the early Christians had a greeting when they saw one another out and about. It’s not he often used and sometimes empty phrase: “Hi, how are you?” Rather, history tell us they said…
Summary and Conclusion
Remember the opening illustration? Don’t know what gave Colonel Sanders his tenacity. His is a rare case. But, all one has to do to see where the Christian gets his/her’s tenacity is by looking at the resurrection of Christ. He is risen! That’s why we can be…
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