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Extending the Measurement Infrastructure of Pipes beyond Abilene

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1 Extending the Measurement Infrastructure of Pipes beyond Abilene
Jeff W. Boote 18 February 2019

2 The Measurement System (4/03)
The New Abilene will have measurement devices as part of its structure Abilene PMP PMP PMP PMP = Performance Measurement Point (at each Abilene Node)

3 The Measurement System (4/03)
Extend the System to Campuses Campus X Abilene PMP PMP PMP Campus PAS is a specified PC based computer ($2000 estimated) with a software load provided by Internet2 Campus Y PMP PMP PMP at each Campus Border

4 System Architecture (10/03)
Deployment is an inside-out approach. Start with regularly scheduled tests inside, make sure it plays well with regularly scheduled tests outside. Hope that projects working on the end nodes will meet us in the middle.

5 Measurement Domain Definition
A measurement domain is simply a useful construct for centralizing the policy and control issues for a specific group of hosts control here is primarily about defining a specific set of regular tests to run between a specific set of hosts

6 Single Domain to Multiple Domain adds Complications
Who can run a test, between what hosts, and who gets the results? Results must be able to flow to all authorized, interested parties Policy Configuration control Data flow

7 Policy Issues Authentication Authorization
Federations of measurements, require federations of authentication and the sharing of trust Authorization Federated authentication requires a model where the definitions of “roles” are shared by all parts of the federation

8 Federated Authentication/Authorization
There are many very good efforts in this area. Shibboleth, Akenti, GSI, KX509… That said, it is important that we soon start engaging that community more directly and start fully integrating the work! Perhaps start with the GSSAPI? Gives you Kerberos and GSI What gives us roles? Shiboleth is being extended for the IM environment – hopefully that work can be leveraged for this as well. Not sure if GSSAPI has enough to deal with “roles” based authorization…

9 Configuration Issues Distributed scheduling better integrates on-demand tests to any point Distributed scheduling makes management of overall configuration more difficult Desire to distribute configuration some Should be able to drop in a new set of hosts to run a particular “experiment” without changing rest of configuration

10 Use Cases Full mesh Nearest neighbor One on one
List of hosts (NxN) Nearest neighbor List of peers for a given host (1xN) One on one Same as 2 (1x1) Subset of one domain with subset of another domain Sparse mesh (JxK) = NxN + !(PxQ)

11 Want to optimize these organizations
Full Mesh One node with any group of others Subset of mesh with subset of another mesh (inter-domain tests) Does this capture most measurement configurations? Color of nodes represent individual domains Color of links represent different configuration sets

12 System Architecture (10/03)
Deployment is an inside-out approach. Start with regularly scheduled tests inside, make sure it plays well with regularly scheduled tests outside. Hope that projects working on the end nodes will meet us in the middle.

13 Data Flow Peers may want results of test directly
NOC alarms… Data may need to be collected to a central point before distributing further Firewalls, aggregation points…

14 Revised System Architecture (4/04)
Deployment is an inside-out approach. Start with regularly scheduled tests inside, make sure it plays well with regularly scheduled tests outside. Hope that projects working on the end nodes will meet us in the middle.


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