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Introduction to Genetic Continuity

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1 Introduction to Genetic Continuity


3 Cell Division Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
The production of offspring from a single parent Offspring inherit the genes of that parent only Reproduction without sexual intercourse Sexual Reproduction The production of offspring from the union of 2 sex cells, one different from each parent Genetic make-up of offspring is different from that of either parent Reproduction with sexual intercourse

4 Cell Division Fertilization Possible advantages of reproducing:
the union of male and female sex cells (egg & sperm) Possible advantages of reproducing: Asexually? Sexually?

5 Cell Theory Recap All living things are made up of 1 or more cells.
Cells come from pre-existing cells by cell division.

6 Principles of Cell Division
Early studies show that a single cell makes two cells by an equal split of nuclear contents in a process call Mitosis Cytokinesis refers to the equal split of cytoplasm and the organelles contained within it Parent Cell is the cell that divides Daughter or Sister Cells are the 2 cells that result from the division (they are genderless)

7 Principles of Cell Division
A cells genetic information is contained in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules in the nucleus The DNA molecules are found in structures called chromosomes A human body cell contains 46 chromosomes To prepare for mitosis the cell makes a duplicate copy of each DNA molecule this causes each chromosome to be doubled Replication & separation of duplicate chromosomes ensure that the daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell Replication ensures future cell divisions because each daughter cell is a potential parent cell for the next generation

8 Principles of Cell Division
How many chromosomes result after the cell division? All body cells have the same genetic information because all cells in the body are made from the same fertilized egg Muscle, brain, and heart all contain the same chromosomes Not all cells in the body have the same shape or perform the same functions Why do different cells do different jobs? How do specialized cells know which genes to use? The million dollar question…

9 Investigation Break Comparing SA’s of small and large cells
Work in partners, but each record your own work You need 8 sugar cubes & 1 ruler Record your data & answer questions on next slide You have 15-minutes

10 Ponder away… Measure the SA of 8 individual cubes, then the SA of 8 cubes stacked together If the cubes were cells, which would have the larger SA? Describe the SA-Volume relationship Why is this useful to a cell?

11 Answers The total SA of the cube would be half the total SA of the eight individual cubes. The smaller cells would have a larger total SA. The ratio of cell surface area to volume would be greater for smaller cells than for larger ones. Active cells need a maximum SA to quickly allow nutrients to diffuse in and waste to diffuse out.

12 The Cell Cycle Sequence of events from one cell division to another
Cycle doesn’t pause after each phase, it is a continuous process Nuclear division makes up only a small part of the cell cycle Interphase makes up the larger remaining portion of the cell cycle

13 Interphase Chromatin Centromere Sister Chromatids
Genetic material during interphase Tangled fibrous complex of DNA and protein with a eukaryotic nucleus Centromere The structure that holds the chromatids together Sister Chromatids Chromosome and its duplicate attached to one another by a centromere The pair remain attached until separated during mitosis


15 Prophase Early Prophase Late Prophase Chromosomes continue to condense
Chromosomes condense becoming shorter and thicker Centrioles move to opposite poles of cell Spindle fibers start to form Centrioles are small protein bodies that are found in the cytoplasm of animal cells Spindle fibers are protein structures that guide chromosomes during cell division Late Prophase Chromosomes continue to condense Centrioles assemble and spindle fibers attach to centromeres of chromosomes Nuclear membrane starts to dissolve

16 Metaphase Chromosomes line up at the equatorial plate
Nuclear membrane completely dissolves

17 Anaphase Centromeres divide forming chromosomes (before they were chromatids) Move to opposite poles of cells Identical set of chromosomes moves to each pole

18 Telophase Chromosomes lengthen again Spindle fibers disappear
Nuclear membrane forms around chromosomes Human have 46 unique chromosomes in each new nucleus

19 Cytokinesis Cytoplasm starts to divide once chromosomes are at opposite poles of cell In animal cells, a furrow pinches off the cell into 2 parts In plant cells, a cell plate forms between the two chromatin masses. It eventually develops into a cell wall.



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