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Molecular Compounds And Acids

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1 Molecular Compounds And Acids
Section 6.5 Molecular Compounds And Acids

2 Binary Molecular Compounds
Composed of two nonmetals, often times they combine in more than one way. Prefixes are used to tell the subscripts. The ending of the 2nd element is -ide

3 Table 6.5 Page 159

4 Write the names of the following.

5 Naming Common Acids Acids are special compounds that produce H+ ions in solution. Usually H+ with an anion. Should know names and formulas of acids on page 160

6 Acids to Know Hydrochloric acid HCl Sulfuric acid H2SO4
Nitric acid HNO3 Acetic acid CH3COOH Phosphoric acid H3PO4 Carbonic acid H2CO3

7 Formula mass calculation
To calculate formula mass in amu of compound. Count the number of each type of atom. Multiply the number by the average atomic mass of each type of atom. Example = Cr(NO2)3

8 What is the formula mass of the following?
Cl2O7 HgBr2 (NH4)2SO4

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