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Are British Institutions Multi Cultural?

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Presentation on theme: "Are British Institutions Multi Cultural?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are British Institutions Multi Cultural?
What we will learn We will examine whether or not institutions like the police, judiciary, the armed forces and politics are supportive of a multi cultural agenda Why we will learn it To understand how government regulation supports a multiculturalism How it will fit in It will develop our knowledge of how successive UK governments have tried to support multiculturalism How will I show that I have learned this By completing a group of case studies looking at landmark issues which have led to institutional change

2 Case Study: Stephen Lawrence’s Murder
...the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin. The Macpherson Report 2001 Case Study: Stephen Lawrence’s Murder

3 The Macpherson report made 70 recommendations – 67 of which had led to specific changes in practice or the law within two years of its publication. They included the introduction of detailed targets for the recruitment, retention and promotion of black and Asian officers. The creation of the Independent Police Complaints Commission with the power to appoint its own investigators. The abolition of the "double jeopardy rule" – that nobody could be tried for the same crime twice – eventually led to the conviction of Gary Dobson and David Norris for Stephen's murder at the Old Bailey in January 2012. The new definition of a racial incident has obliged the police to investigate every incident that the victim believes to be racially motivated and heavier penalties means the courts recognise that crimes motivated purely by hatred are different. The extension of such 'hate crimes' to cover attacks motivated by somebody's religion, sexuality, disability or gender has also increased public confidence in the willingness of the police to tackle this kind of crime. Macpherson's most controversial finding was his use of the term "institutional racism" which he explained as the "collective failure of an organisation to provide a professional service … through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people". Its impact was electric and it was initially disowned by then Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Paul Condon, who wrongly took it to mean that every officer in his force was being branded a racist. He later accepted a redrawn definition making it clearer that it was racist outcome rather than racial motivation that was the issue. But the myth had been born and down the years every right-wing columnist has used it to condemn any form of anti-racism as political correctness, preferably 'gone mad'.

4 Case Study: The Judiciary


6 Case Study: The Education System


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