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Better mental health care

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1 Better mental health care
By Alexandra Rud

2 Currently 1 in 5 Canadians experience mental health iSsUes
1 in 3 seek help Psychological problems are up 70% of disability costs People feel rushed through appointments Lack of clear vision, strong governance, role clarity, resources, commitment to patient-centered care practitioner education Anti-drug strategy released in 2007 emphasizes enforcement and abstinence based treatment Globally there is 1 psychiatric nurse 100,000 population 63% of Canadian millennial safe at high risk for mental health issues

3 Solutions Start educating kids in schools
Have people take programs - create after school/evening programs, create an elective class, Create more open facilities and more facilities – make more homes for people with mental illness, create more places that people can openly talk about their illness,

4 Educating kids in schools
Create a mandatory course for all 4 years of high school Start teaching kids about mental illness earlier If possible bring in people to talk about their condition Bring in psychiatric nurses or doctors to talk Make kids feel safe to get help Start talking about mental illness more Train kids on how to manage people or themselves with a mental illness Teach how to recognize signs Start encouraging schools to talk about mental health

5 Benefits Kids would feel more comfortable talking about if they are having problems Kids would know how to deal with mental health issues More kids might find out that they are interested in becoming psychiatric nurse or doctor Kids might feel as if they can talk to people if needed People might start to understand that it’s not a bad thing to need help or to have a mental illness

6 Drawbacks Parents might not agree with taught material
Students might not want to learn about mental illness Not Having the proper material Not enough funding

7 Resources uments/PrimaryCarePolicyFramework_March2016.pdf pdf strategy-canada ever-are-at-high-risk-of-mental-health-issues/

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