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Seminar: “Control of autonomous vehicles” DATE: ,

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar: “Control of autonomous vehicles” DATE: ,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar: “Control of autonomous vehicles” DATE: 08-11-2018, 11. 30 -12
Seminar: “Control of autonomous vehicles”  DATE: , Aula M1.6, Dip. F.I.M. – edificio matematica (via Campi 213/B) Abstract: This talk describes how classical and advanced control theory can be used for the design of autonomous driving. An overview of techniques and approaches is here presented, ranging from mobile kinematics, behavioral robotics, path planning, and control, with a focus on optimal control approaches, i.e., nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC). The talk will also discuss how NMPC can be approximated and reconducted to a convex quadratic program (QP) that can be solved in the range of milliseconds by exploiting suitable solvers for convex optimization. Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos is an associate professor in Computer Science at the Division of Intelligent Future Technologies, University of Mälardalen (Sweden) and member of the Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems research group. He has completed his PhD in Information Technology – Systems and Control at Politecnico di Milano, under the supervision of Alberto Leva. He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Lund University and a postdoctoral research assistant at Politecnico di Milano. Some of the research topics covered are “Feedback computing for the management of IT-infrastructure resources”, “Modeling and control of interconnected system affected by uncertainty, with application to next generation electric grids” and “Control design and implementation in networked and embedded systems”.

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