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Water Properties. Water Properties Carbon Compounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Properties. Water Properties Carbon Compounds."— Presentation transcript:


2 Water Properties

3 Carbon Compounds

4 Functional Groups

5 Bonding of Carbon

6 Water & Nature

7 Polymers

8 Carbon compounds Water in Nature H2O Properties Functional Groups Bonding of Carbon Polymers $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 Type of bond between hydrogens & oxygen

10 What is covalent?

11 Polar charge on each end of a water molecule

12 What is positive hydrogen & negative oxygen?

13 Overall charge on a water molecule

14 What is zero or no charge?

15 Bonding that causes water to cling to itself

16 What is hydrogen bonding or cohesion?

17 Attraction of water that produces surface tension

18 What is cohesion?

19 Compounds with covalently bonded carbon atoms

20 What is an organic compound?

21 Number of covalent bonds carbon can form

22 What is four?

23 Number of electrons shared in a triple bond

24 What is six?

25 Glucose in cells has this carbon shape

26 What is a ring structure?

27 Carbon shape resulting from the attachment of side groups to a chain

28 What is a branched chain?

29 Effect these groups have on organic compounds

30 What is change the properties?

31 OH- group gives this property to organic compounds

32 What is an alcohol or polar?

33 -COOH group

34 What is a carboxyl group?

35 Daily Double!!

36 -NH2 group is found on this type of macromolecule

37 What are proteins?

38 -PO4 group is found on this macromolecule

39 What are nucleic acids?

40 Small subunits bonded together to make large carbon compounds

41 What are monomers?

42 Simplest type of bond between two carbon atoms

43 What is a single covalent bond?

44 Repeating linked carbon units or monomers make this

45 What is a polymer?

46 Large polymers are called this

47 What are macromolecules?

48 Process that links monomers by removing molecules of water

49 What is condensation or dehydration synthesis?

50 Allows some insects to walk across the top of water

51 What is surface tension?

52 Adhesion and cohesion produce this property in plants

53 What is capillarity?

54 Responsible for the upward movement of water in plants

55 What is capillarity?

56 Must occur for water to change from water into ice at 0oC

57 Lost or gain of a lot of energy

58 Extra energy absorbed by water to change its state breaks these

59 What are hydrogen bonds?

60 Meaning of the prefix poly-?

61 What is many?

62 Process that breaks down polymers

63 What is hydrolysis?

64 Molecule removed to break polymers into monomers

65 What is water?

66 Amino acids link to make this polymer

67 What are polypeptides or proteins?

68 Backbone element in organic polymers

69 What is carbon?

70 Double Jeopardy!!


72 Energy for Cells

73 Carbohydrates

74 Proteins

75 Enzymes

76 Lipids

77 Nucleic Acids

78 Water Properties Nucleic Acids Functional Groups Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

79 Type of bond between hydrogens & oxygen

80 What is covalent?

81 Polar charge on each end of a water molucule

82 What is positive hydrogen and negative oxygen?

83 Solutions having the greatest concentration of hydrogen ion (H+)

84 What is acid solutions?

85 Bonding that causes water to cling to itself

86 What is hydrogen bonding of cohesion?

87 Daily Double!!

88 Attraction of water that produces surface tension

89 What is cohesion?

90 Monomer for carbohydrates

91 What are monosaccarhides?


93 What is a disaccharide?

94 General formula for any monosaccharide

95 What is C6H12O6 or (1C 2H 1O)ratio?

96 Component of the exoskeleton or fungi cell walls

97 What is chitin?

98 Two common polysaccharides found in plants

99 What are cellulose & starch?

100 Monomers of proteins

101 What are amino acids?

102 Bond that forms between amino acids

103 What is a peptide bond?

104 Two functional groups found on amino acids

105 What are the amino (-NH2) & carboxyl (-COOH) groups?

106 Temperature and pH can have this effect on a protein

107 What is change shape or denture?

108 Level of protein structure where peptide bonds are most important

109 What are tertiary or globular proteins?

110 gives this property to organic compounds
OH- group gives this property to organic compounds

111 What is an alcohol or polar?

112 -COOH group

113 What is a carboxyl group?

114 -NH2 group is found on this type of macromolecule

115 What are proteins?

116 -PO4 group is found on this macromolecule

117 What are nucleic acids?

118 Characteristic shared by all six functional groups studied

119 What contains carbon?

120 Can store lots of energy because of a large number of these

121 What are carbon-hydrogen bonds?

122 Macromolecules that can store the most energy

123 What are lipids or fats?

124 Daily Double!!

125 Alcohol forming the backbone of fats

126 What is glycerol?

127 Makes a fatty acid saturated

128 What is all single bonds between carbons in chain?

129 Two fatty acids joined with a molecule of glycerol in cell membranes

130 What is a phospholipid?

131 Five elements in nucleic acids

132 What is CHONP?

133 Pentose sugar on DNA

134 What is deoxyribose?

135 Two examples of nucleic acids

136 What is DNA & RNA?

137 Monomers of nucleic acids

138 What are nucleotides?

139 Along with a sugar & phosphate, the 3rd part of a nucleotide

140 What is a nitrogen-containing base?

141 Final Jeopardy

142 Macromolecules

143 Cholesterol is this type of macromolecule

144 What is a lipid (steroid)?

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